Welcome to the Jadepool API!
General Structure
"Request withdrawal" example:
This is the general request structure for POST requests.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data | yes | object | data block that main parameters should be wrapped in |
appid | yes | string | application ID, required since 0.11.22 version |
timestamp | yes | number | the timestamp client used for signing |
sig | yes | string | client's ECC signature |
encode | no | string | signature encoding format, support hex and base64, default is base64 |
hash | no | string | support sha3 and sha256 and md5, default value is sha3 |
lang | no | string | the language of errors and messages in response. support en, cn, ja, default is cn |
GET Request
"Fetch Wallet Status" example:
This is the general request structure for GET requests.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
appid | yes | string | application ID, required since 0.11.22 version |
timestamp | yes | number | the timestamp client used for signing |
sig | yes | string | client's ECC signature |
encode | no | string | signature encoding format, support hex and base64, default is base64 |
hash | no | string | support sha3 and sha256 and md5, default value is sha3 |
lang | no | string | the language of errors and messages in response. support en, cn, ja, default is cn |
Successful Response Example:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1557144244145,
"sig": {
"r": "a6pPfsRpp7NVnjtCcoqDyqp5nOS971LG34uECKDBsj4=",
"s": "csbcZjx+LycfCZoYPa5ba324TUnFIEmy0TzX4vNUPqI=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"address": "0x352c3d587080ae186c6037ccf786ea1c71ed87be",
"valid": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "HcEYvElHYswB47SDAAAC"
Failed Response Example:
"code": 20000,
"status": 20000,
"category": "invalid-parameter",
"message": "unsupported coin type",
"result": {
"info": "field(type) cointype - wrong"
These are the regular fields in response body.
Response Fields
Field | Type | Description |
code | number | 0 if succeeds. Otherwise it shows corresponding error code in Errors |
status | number | 0 if succeeds. Otherwise it shows corresponding error code in Errors |
message | string | "OK" if succeeds. Otherwise it shows corresponding error message in Errors |
crypto | string | Only "ecc" is supported for now |
timestamp | number | the timestamp Jadepool used for signing |
sig | object | Jadepool's ECC signature |
result | object | response contents |
Create Multiple Addresses
Request "Create Multiple Addresses" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556009381747,
"sig": {
"r": "zSKIe50E0PEQ0QEP2ktr+rVTSwzHFLHXCbDcZLwbEYE=",
"s": "O2V+rrLev9PHloM0HXknbn43qc6yGAQ+CYZGTVihON8=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"id": 284,
"appid": "pri",
"type": "ETH",
"address": "0x352c3d587080ae186c6037ccf786ea1c71ed87be",
"state": "used",
"mode": "deposit",
"create_at": 1556009381632,
"update_at": 1556009381688,
"namespace": "ETH"
"id": 285,
"appid": "pri",
"type": "ETH",
"address": "0xe1f3247967f9e51a0cc733f8191166f5d6a8b30d",
"state": "used",
"mode": "deposit",
"create_at": 1556009381730,
"update_at": 1556009381744,
"namespace": "ETH"
This endpoint enables you to request multiple new addresses at once.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/batchnew
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.amount | yes | number | number of addresses, range from 1 to 500. |
data.mode | yes | string | address mode: 'auto', 'deposit', 'deposit_memo', 'normal' |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | unique ID in Jadepool's database |
appid | string | application ID, configurable on admin |
type | string | token type of the new address |
address | string | the new address |
state | string | this value does not mean anything for now |
mode | string | address mode |
Create Single Address
Request "Create Single Address" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556009180055,
"sig": {
"r": "nIYVH6S5qz2gIHtxjWzp+muM4CVaqU0et0NCbCamjKs=",
"s": "WR/OEB8RMPRXDQopWfpwc2Npki+b82ASsewONMpIR5I=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"id": 283,
"appid": "pri",
"type": "ETH",
"address": "0xf7d862f2b43d3bff3444e6c3dd9aceef837f817d",
"state": "used",
"mode": "deposit",
"create_at": 1556009180037,
"update_at": 1556009180052,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to request single new address.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/new
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.mode | yes | string | address mode: 'auto', 'deposit', 'deposit_memo', 'normal' |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | unique ID in Jadepool's database |
appid | string | application ID, configurable on admin |
type | string | token type of the new address |
address | string | the new address |
state | string | this value does not mean anything for now |
mode | string | address mode |
Validate Address
Request "Validate Address" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556009541845,
"sig": {
"r": "RGw+vmBSAFIknSp4sYPLLlKAv0XNFt+3Xz5gTnttIFA=",
"s": "V+zMC77GTyh2igr8eMbl0JtpM1hu9ZisJOgYGhmW5hQ=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"address": "0x352c3d587080ae186c6037ccf786ea1c71ed87be",
"valid": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to verify if an address is valid for specified token.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/verify
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.address | yes | string | address to validate |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
address | string | the address to validate |
valid | boolean | the address is valid or not |
Force Free
Request "Force Free" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556010383578,
"sig": {
"r": "wBs2UnJLy16lww2mrp8oi71W/Qi1101ElkIDFKGjq9c=",
"s": "WJYTn/vjf0y/Z3DdkJ/7XAiqvylKI/DhHP0mlMLDg7I=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"_id": "5cbed58f8d1607c10ddddf93",
"id": "6515",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SWEEP_INTERNAL",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0xa268f4ae690ac1421775568d783439c7c1151749",
"to": "0xbf0aa791e34d3af906050fcb713305c1d92880af",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556010383570,
"update_at": 1556010383571,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to transfer tokens from a deposit address to the main hot wallet address.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/free
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
Force Obtain
Request "Force Obtain" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556010383578,
"sig": {
"r": "wBs2UnJLy16lww2mrp8oi71W/Qi1101ElkIDFKGjq9c=",
"s": "WJYTn/vjf0y/Z3DdkJ/7XAiqvylKI/DhHP0mlMLDg7I=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"_id": "5cbed58f8d1607c10ddddf93",
"id": "6515",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SWEEP_INTERNAL",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0xa268f4ae690ac1421775568d783439c7c1151749",
"to": "0xbf0aa791e34d3af906050fcb713305c1d92880af",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556010383570,
"update_at": 1556010383571,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to transfer tokens from the main hot wallet address to a deposit address.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/obtain
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.address | yes | string | address to validate |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique request sequence |
data.value | yes | string | force obtain value |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
Fetch Incomplete Orders
Request "Fetch Incomplete Orders" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556017079643,
"sig": {
"r": "EWxRFPkVClfS6Y8hz4kyarkhEbvOQLgcDY6GR+D8zdQ=",
"s": "TavLCYToUrn3778oNslgPXuMu4j/Jsd+8hNbzN3dtZI=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"_id": "5cbeefb353ee1205fdd12284",
"id": "6515",
"coinName": "LTC",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "LTC",
"coinType": "LTC",
"from": "mtRMmr6opfJMakQDxL2Dzv1KeQRt9VLRU8",
"to": "mrsUG77kvGMXxDwntoeREUmgmPheX2o1F8",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 2,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556017075658,
"update_at": 1556017075660,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false
This endpoint enables you to fetch all incomplete orders that are of state in: 'init', 'holding', 'online', 'pending'.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/:address/orders[/:state]
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
address | related address |
state | optional, can be one of the incomplete order states: 'init', 'holding', 'online', 'pending' |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
Fetch Address Balance
Request "Fetch Address Balance" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556016915285,
"sig": {
"r": "RpVC2Tm8m9LJ77mJcoIBwNLtbb/WQyOl2jqA4hBbwN0=",
"s": "fUetmUE8uAIDRnXeTSBeM90sIj4pkqABdurQQb6/jxU=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"balance": "0",
"namespace": "LTC",
"sid": "viqU_GCM4-wg3P1kAAAD"
This endpoint enables you to fetch balance of a specified address.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/:address/balance
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
address | related address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
balance | string | the address' balance on blockchain |
Fetch Address Info
Request "Fetch Address Info" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556016629310,
"sig": {
"r": "LPVc8+D2jDINOpLrUepizbhNU+CnKjIb1eH/yowP6nc=",
"s": "ZW/mtl5bSIgejcXVSNVRa+/5IG7vOk7J6v0pYvbApzA=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"id": 288,
"appid": "pri",
"type": "BTC",
"address": "moUQrRi7cKNjskr3pnKqjXbZZ5cH2dWuiG",
"state": "used",
"mode": "deposit",
"create_at": 1556016613697,
"update_at": 1556016613733,
"namespace": "BTC",
"sid": "XDd9EeHVqN08oGVOAAAC"
This endpoint enables you to fetch details of a specified address.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/address/:coinName/:address
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
address | related address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | unique ID in Jadepool's database |
appid | string | application ID, configurable on admin |
type | string | token type of the new address |
address | string | the new address |
state | string | this value does not mean anything for now |
mode | string | address mode |
Fetch Audit Order
Request "Fetch Audit Order" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1583808224613,
"sig": {
"r": "t90UoLKHNXTBtmw5yZdO7FJ/gcS60U4JKMgpYnCCo0o=",
"s": "K4NcSIXRdJph2Yw8mVgSmFnp5689zfc6SSO65Rg8T+8=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"wallet": "default",
"blocknumber": 214,
"calculated": true,
"deposit_total": "0.01",
"deposit_num": 1,
"withdraw_total": "0.2",
"withdraw_num": 1,
"revert_total": "0",
"revert_num": 0,
"refund_total": "0",
"refund_num": 0,
"system_call_total": "0",
"system_call_num": 0,
"delegate_total": "0",
"delegate_num": 0,
"undelegate_total": "0",
"undelegate_num": 0,
"principal_fund_total": "0",
"principal_fund_num": 0,
"interest_fund_total": "0",
"interest_fund_num": 0,
"sweep_total": "0",
"sweep_num": 0,
"sweep_internal_total": "0",
"sweep_internal_num": 0,
"airdrop_total": "0",
"airdrop_num": 0,
"recharge_total": "0",
"recharge_num": 0,
"recharge_internal_total": "0",
"recharge_internal_num": 0,
"recharge_unexpected_total": "0.601343293996",
"recharge_unexpected_num": 3,
"recharge_special_total": "0",
"recharge_special_num": 0,
"failed_withdraw_num": 0,
"failed_sweep_num": 0,
"failed_sweep_internal_num": 4,
"failed_refund_num": 0,
"failed_system_call_num": 0,
"failed_delegate_num": 0,
"failed_undelegate_num": 0,
"fees": [
"withdraw_fee": "0.0101",
"refund_fee": "0",
"sweep_fee": "0",
"sweep_internal_fee": "0",
"system_call_fee": "0",
"delegate_fee": "0",
"undelegate_fee": "0",
"failed_withdraw_fee": "0",
"failed_refund_fee": "0",
"failed_sweep_fee": "0",
"failed_sweep_internal_fee": "0.004330699234",
"failed_system_call_fee": "0",
"failed_delegate_fee": "0",
"failed_undelegate_fee": "0",
"_id": "5e66fee06b50acfa7ec50fec",
"fee_type": "KSM"
"chainKey": "Kusama",
"type": "KSM",
"timestamp": 1583808224613,
"appid": "pri",
"create_at": "2020-03-10T02:43:44.733Z",
"update_at": "2020-03-10T02:43:44.833Z",
"__v": 1,
"calc_order_num": 13,
"id": "5e66fee041db0dfa7f558411"
This endpoint enables you to fetch audit order.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/audits/:id
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | audit order ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
calculated | boolean | if the auditing is finished |
deposit_total | string | total deposit token value |
deposit_num | number | total deposit times |
withdraw_total | string | total withdraw token value |
withdraw_num | number | total withdraw times |
sweep_total | string | total hot-to-cold token value |
sweep_num | number | total hot-to-cold times |
sweep_internal_total | string | total internal-out token value |
sweep_internal_num | number | total internal-out times |
airdrop_total | string | total airdrop token value |
airdrop_num | number | total airdrop times |
recharge_total | string | total cold-to-hot token value |
recharge_num | number | total cold-to-hot times |
recharge_internal_total | string | total internal-in token value |
recharge_internal_num | number | total internal-in times |
recharge_unexpected_total | string | total unexpected-in token value |
recharge_unexpected_num | number | total unexpected-in times |
recharge_special_total | string | total special-in token value |
recharge_special_num | number | total special-in times |
failed_withdraw_num | number | total failed withdrawal times |
failed_sweep_num | number | total failed hot-to-cold times |
failed_sweep_internal_num | number | total failed internal-out times |
fees | array | all type of fees burned |
withdraw_fee | string | fees burned for withdrawal |
refund_fee | string | fees burned for refund |
sweep_fee | string | fees burned for hot-to-cold |
sweep_internal_fee | string | fees burned for internal-out |
system_call_fee | string | fees burned for all system_call txs |
delegate_fee | string | fees burned for staking |
undelegate_fee | string | fees burned for unstaking |
failed_withdraw_fee | string | fees burned for failed withdrawal |
failed_refund_fee | string | fees burned for failed refund |
failed_sweep_fee | string | fees burned for refund hot-to-cold |
failed_sweep_internal_fee | string | fees burned for refund internal-out |
failed_system_call_fee | string | fees burned for all failed system_call txs |
failed_delegate_fee | string | fees burned for failed delegation |
failed_undelegate_fee | string | fees burned for failed undelegation |
type | string | the audited token type |
timestamp | number | the audited timestamp |
blocknumber | number | corresponding block near the audited timestamp |
appid | string | application ID |
calc_order_num | number | audited order number |
last | string | audit order ID of the previous audit |
id | string | audit order ID of the current audit |
Audited Orders
Request "Audited Orders" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1583897683128,
"sig": {
"r": "oQJOtaonOe3NvycDQXNXrjsfS3pIdgRo1imh+9o5Tv8=",
"s": "eMrUrwaNs4MUFb3d+Y1ASYTN4ec46pHsgc4cvA5PnS8=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"_id": "5e65b0c90c34df59da78c15c",
"id": "6317",
"coinName": "KSM",
"txid": "0xea7876c8121bc7db0d7fd4ed005d267702a0e0fe6df3b9bb0533b0fc28faaae8",
"meta": "13",
"appid": "test",
"wallet": "default",
"state": "done",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "KSM",
"coinType": "KSM",
"from": "EkFskcVG8xm7mbASU29VmiJTuFuSBodNrs9xjbUKNHKqmHP",
"to": "FVCSCiM5TricGwJ2TZ84mRGLgEcNAKfXUCd2fgB2MFJkCxd",
"value": "0.2",
"sequence": 1583722697437,
"confirmations": 3750,
"create_at": 1583722697549,
"update_at": 1583897670562,
"action": "withdraw-from-hotwallet",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [
"postHandlers": [
"n": 3,
"fee": "0.02",
"fees": [
"_id": "5e660a42667364a489bdae6a",
"amount": "0.02",
"coinName": "KSM",
"nativeAmount": "0",
"nativeName": ""
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 1583722702743,
"timestampFinish": 1583745602955,
"timestampHandle": 1583722702283,
"failedBlockNumber": null,
"failedTimestamp": null,
"goodBlockNumber": 1373448,
"goodTimestamp": 1583745597170
"hash": "0xea7876c8121bc7db0d7fd4ed005d267702a0e0fe6df3b9bb0533b0fc28faaae8",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": 1369700,
"blockHash": "0x226b6eb54e524ad1ba2f1d11a4b9e7d0171a42dcb5b0ffa184f35e3b8448a959",
"blockTimestamp": 1583722620000,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [
"_id": "5e65b0f490acb159d97b45c5",
"id": "6318",
"coinName": "KSM",
"txid": "0xea7876c8121bc7db0d7fd4ed005d267702a0e0fe6df3b9bb0533b0fc28faaae8",
"meta": null,
"appid": "pri",
"wallet": "default",
"state": "done",
"bizType": "DEPOSIT",
"type": "KSM",
"coinType": "KSM",
"from": "EkFskcVG8xm7mbASU29VmiJTuFuSBodNrs9xjbUKNHKqmHP",
"to": "FVCSCiM5TricGwJ2TZ84mRGLgEcNAKfXUCd2fgB2MFJkCxd",
"value": "0.2",
"sequence": 15837227406189476,
"confirmations": 3749,
"create_at": 1583722740617,
"update_at": 1583897670562,
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [
"postHandlers": [
"n": 3,
"fee": "0.02",
"fees": [
"_id": "5e660a3d667364a489bdae63",
"amount": "0.02",
"coinName": "KSM",
"nativeAmount": "0",
"nativeName": ""
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 1583722740618,
"timestampFinish": 1583745597398,
"timestampHandle": 1583722740618
"hash": "0xea7876c8121bc7db0d7fd4ed005d267702a0e0fe6df3b9bb0533b0fc28faaae8",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": 1369700,
"blockHash": "0x226b6eb54e524ad1ba2f1d11a4b9e7d0171a42dcb5b0ffa184f35e3b8448a959",
"blockTimestamp": 1583722620000,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [
This endpoint enables you to fetch orders in specified audit.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/audits/:id/orders
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | audit order ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Fetch Order
Request "fetch Order" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556009989295,
"sig": {
"r": "b4uHdTjVe72esYVTLhIami5xz/oNcdPKQLRVorNGoAk=",
"s": "dzMrG9qeLixaq7B+0qY5FhTWR62vbv3nH3ey0mg03yM=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"_id": "5cbece338d1607c10ddddbcd",
"id": "6513",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0xa268f4ae690ac1421775568d783439c7c1151749",
"to": "0xbf0aa791e34d3af906050fcb713305c1d92880af",
"value": "0.001",
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556008499740,
"update_at": 1556008499742,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false
This endpoint enables you to fetch any order details from Jadepool database.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/orders/:id
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | order ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Fetch Wallet Status
Request "Fetch wallet Status" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556010241947,
"sig": {
"r": "FzPkBS6BgMRJu/8OLd5jq+JKTBXHEr6rXo5vx/MJZd8=",
"s": "SXiyJ+eBkOrIF206dJ24IKrZlRgDqe37kOrozaalNCA=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"balance": "0.01",
"balanceAvailable": "0",
"balanceUnavailable": "0.01",
"update_at": 1556010241943,
"addressesWithBalance": 1,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to fetch balance details of any enabled token.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/wallet/:coinName/status
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
balance | string | total balance |
balanceAvailable | string | balance available for outgoing transfer |
balanceUnavailable | string | balance unavailable for outgoing transfer |
update_at | number | the balance update time |
addressesWithBalance | number | number of addresses that have balance |
Request Withdrawal
Request "Request Withdrawal" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556010383578,
"sig": {
"r": "wBs2UnJLy16lww2mrp8oi71W/Qi1101ElkIDFKGjq9c=",
"s": "WJYTn/vjf0y/Z3DdkJ/7XAiqvylKI/DhHP0mlMLDg7I=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"_id": "5cbed58f8d1607c10ddddf93",
"id": "6514",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0xa268f4ae690ac1421775568d783439c7c1151749",
"to": "0xbf0aa791e34d3af906050fcb713305c1d92880af",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556010383570,
"update_at": 1556010383571,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to request withdrawal.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/wallet/:coinName/withdraw
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
---|---|---|---| | yes | string | withdrawal address |
data.value | yes | string | value to withdraw |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique API nonce for each app ID |
data.auth | no | string | authentication for coin, only for HSM |
data.extraData | no | string | extra data |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Deposit to ETH2.0 Validator
Request "Deposit to ETH2.0 Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1601364624962,
"sig": {
"r": "mdEk9OjsiVzNI2Dk7AWlA90yj1zPrVJCdBBBDDs05DE=",
"s": "fW8jnR8zx+ceZOBuiNl2XKy/3YFRuo9l7hBa8CuDpU0=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f72e2900a38036c1488cd70",
"id": "131689",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "app_4",
"wallet": "wallet_2",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SYSTEM_CALL",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x3E0A276B9d9085508979149A05Cd7e213EC5DA0E",
"froms": [
"to": "0x07b39F4fDE4A38bACe212b546dAc87C58DfE3fDC",
"value": "1",
"sequence": 1601364625,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1601364624953,
"update_at": 1601364624955,
"action": "validator_deposit",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"options": {},
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "9aYBClnuVaTicQ50AAAs"
This endpoint enables you to deposit to ETH2.0 validator.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/wallet/:token/validator_deposit
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
token | should pass "ETH" |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique API nonce for each app ID |
data.withdrawal_pubkey | yes | string | validator's withdrawal public key |
data.withdrawal_credentials | yes | string | withdrawal credentials obtained from "signing key server" |
data.signing_pubkey | yes | string | validator's signing public key |
data.signature | yes | string | signature obtained from "signing key server" |
data.deposit_data_root | yes | string | deposit_data_root obtained from "signing key server" |
data.amount | yes | string | The amount to deposit to the validator |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Audit For Specified Coin
Request "Audit For Specified Coin" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556010708546,
"sig": {
"r": "8h5Ut8zNxXNY9ZNDNtcZfRdp/pGOBbieXSRPj3d1adI=",
"s": "AUlde6nijZ9R3+pY4MxYdKFocViQYzkq0ar9X9lP/WI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"type": "ETH",
"id": "5cbecdb38d1607c10ddddb49",
"blocknumber": 9921056,
"timestamp": 1546425032000,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to request audit with timestamp of your choice.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/wallet/:coinName/audit
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.audittime | yes | number | audit timestamp |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
type | string | the audited token type |
id | string | audit order ID of the current/last audit |
timestamp | number | the audited timestamp |
blocknumber | number | corresponding block near the audited timestamp |
Audit For All Coins
Request "Audit For All Coins" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556011203974,
"sig": {
"r": "r6Epdg/bkbDxZ5Enq6HBs06ZQGikLyij3VJ/SVJL0Ho=",
"s": "X30CD6m/3kUBFkc2OCNz+939q029R7H/dnyusCyGo3U=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"type": "ETH",
"namespace": "ETH",
"id": "5cbecdb38d1607c10ddddb49",
"blocknumber": 9921056,
"timestamp": 1546425032000,
"sid": "j5D28yAyhO02C-_6AAAA"
This endpoint enables you to request audit of all tokens.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/wallets/audit
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.audittime | yes | number | audit timestamp |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
type | string | the audited token type |
id | string | audit order ID of the current/last audit |
timestamp | number | the audited timestamp |
blocknumber | number | corresponding block near the audited timestamp |
Fetch All Validators
Request "Fetch All Validators" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556009186429,
"sig": {
"r": "kfHfp+ql5OGMYKhLORY1ri7mzP3uv1FGNL5TtK8XYLw=",
"s": "WBhcqM6Jn4BJFHxQicO9uR9T7t6aFYCnGVzPqHfB5dw=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"name": "node0",
"address": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"pubkey": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqmp75ajy7jm0mqttc2d23ks54dn83yfshxd3038r4ejldcjcd0atsnwxnyr",
"jailed": false,
"status": 2,
"shares": "101010000.000000000000000000",
"delegationAmount": "101010000",
"minSelfDelegation": "1",
"commission": {
"rate": 0.1,
"maxRate": 0.2,
"maxChangeRate": 0.01,
"updateAt": "2019-04-23T04:41:34.202Z"
"name": "node1",
"address": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"pubkey": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqrjklsgkc8jeusfkjmrltlvz0s9cxe7vxr7uajpx2v0rfn0zvgtxqw5mwhj",
"jailed": true,
"status": 0,
"shares": "2524242.424242424242424241",
"delegationAmount": "2499000",
"minSelfDelegation": "100000",
"commission": {
"rate": 0.1,
"maxRate": 0.2,
"maxChangeRate": 0.01,
"updateAt": "2019-04-23T04:41:44.782Z"
This endpoint enables you to fetch all validators of specified chain.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/validators
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
name | string | validator name |
address | string | validator's address |
pubkey | string | validator's public key |
jailed | boolean | if the validator is jailed |
status | number | validator's status |
shares | string | validator's shares |
delegationAmount | string | amount delegated to validator |
minSelfDelegation | string | amount delegated to validator by itself |
commission | object | validator's commission |
rate | float | validator's commission rate |
maxRate | float | validator's commission maxRate |
maxChangeRate | float | validator's commission maxChangeRate |
updateAt | string | validator info update time |
Fetch Specified Validator
Request "Fetch Specified Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554801539663,
"sig": {
"r": "9H9TTNLQhYwre7yKsfd6dmt8iLAzqvVRxlt1O7++dZE=",
"s": "Qcn6m5ZwqKnuBLHyRtFuB+UNhfJAz+/Ny+kA+8SzVKQ=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"name": "node1",
"address": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"pubkey": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqfr9zx5yrnfg7y8zwhqvm8yywtvhuzg0qn7auwygkkp4zlfd36pusx4xgn3",
"jailed": false,
"status": 2,
"shares": "1040000.000000000000000000",
"delegationAmount": "1040000",
"minSelfDelegation": "100000",
"commission": {
"rate": 0.1,
"maxRate": 0.2,
"maxChangeRate": 0.01,
"updateAt": "2019-04-03T08:19:29.921Z"
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "h-02Y6BZGFDuZyWzAAAF"
This endpoint enables you to fetch details of a specified validator.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/validators/:validator
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
validator | validator name |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
name | string | validator name |
address | string | validator's address |
pubkey | string | validator's public key |
jailed | boolean | if the validator is jailed |
status | number | validator's status |
shares | string | validator's shares |
delegationAmount | string | amount delegated to validator |
minSelfDelegation | string | amount delegated to validator by itself |
commission | object | validator's commission |
rate | float | validator's commission rate |
maxRate | float | validator's commission maxRate |
maxChangeRate | float | validator's commission maxChangeRate |
updateAt | string | validator info update time |
Outstanding Reward At Validator
Request "Fetch Reward With Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554796799490,
"sig": {
"r": "AD40uPwf5iJkuTXuhuKfRnt3+/imo8PNBgryOHxYhHE=",
"s": "KN2Dk9BHCyucq291X8wFeFE9xYcnL3ziYBjdbeTfKaY=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"nativeName": "stake",
"nativeAmount": "40863.901112837984093534",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"amount": "0.04086390111283798409"
This endpoint enables you to fetch everyone's total reward amount at a specified validator.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/validators/:validator/outstanding_rewards
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
validator | validator name |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
validator | string | validator name |
nativeName | string | token |
nativeAmount | string | total reward amount in token unit |
coinName | string | main token |
amount | string | total reward amount in main token unit |
Request Delegation
Request "Request Delegation" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1557309326894,
"sig": {
"r": "kGvfjb52iroMPZP/UH7Gq0ngzzRwc/sNrzvvxXF0Ro0=",
"s": "JMAThiBR+c4lBmu/nC0xNFLiMRemA9wCyZ82bTqnhKQ=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"_id": "5cd2a78ee7fa5b57ab9ddaec",
"id": "2428",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DELEGATE",
"type": "ATOM",
"coinType": "ATOM",
"from": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"to": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"value": "0.1",
"sequence": 1557309326848,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1557309326881,
"update_at": 1557309326884,
"action": "delegate",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "V0-ORASYpnLqodqtAAAG"
This endpoint enables you to request delegation.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/delegate
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.amount | yes | string | delegate value |
data.validator | yes | string | validator to delegate |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique sequence |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Request Re-delegation
Request "Request Re-delegation" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556008441494,
"sig": {
"r": "bPJroemxN8K+y1eDoAv/L37FjmzUfdjoUdjl9NyNSbs=",
"s": "bIVR73xizsqwCANBfl+ZoJ6QeLm9Qc/AlAvMTg0YK7c=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"id": "23",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SYSTEM_CALL",
"type": "ATOM",
"coinType": "ATOM",
"to": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1556008441401,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556008441486,
"update_at": 1556008441488,
"action": "re-delegate",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"from": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "RPamVnMkXe2aIgElAAAB"
This endpoint enables you to request delegation switch from one validator to another.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/redelegate
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.amount | yes | string | delegate value |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique sequence |
data.src_validator | yes | string | original validator |
data.dst_validator | yes | string | validator to re-delegate |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Request Undelegation
Request "Request Undelegation" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018549519,
"sig": {
"r": "vxHm68qJIL6I3rl8E55Z219QZiv00GMBwZtvTrOaEyA=",
"s": "HUN+YVLlQH/WLhywVllNbJ0RcXHsi9yImhRwZb0QaBc=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"id": "38",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "UNDELEGATE",
"type": "ATOM",
"coinType": "ATOM",
"to": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1556018549426,
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556018549489,
"update_at": 1556018549490,
"action": "un-delegate",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"from": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "h2112M6bFQZImpdUAAAB"
This endpoint enables you to request undelegation.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/undelegate
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | address requests undelegation |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.amount | yes | string | undelegate value |
data.sequence | yes | number | unique sequence |
data.validator | yes | string | validator undelegate from |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Overall Delegation Status
Request "Overall Delegation Status" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554884132672,
"sig": {
"r": "cgQV3td0/uPse5oMyBjcfbXJ6lw9hO3hJAovdxwW2DQ=",
"s": "RorA0lqY4t0kCNyezW46SlDflGpc19k35KBhhfoq7K4=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"amount": "0.03",
"nativeAmount": "30000.000000000000000000"
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"amount": "0.011",
"nativeAmount": "11000.000000000000000000"
This endpoint enables you to fetch overall delegation status of a specified address.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/delegations
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | the address that performs delegation |
validator | string | validator to delegate to |
amount | string | delegated amount in main token unit |
nativeAmount | string | delegated amount in token unit |
Delegation Status At Validator
Request "Delegation Status At Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554796803335,
"sig": {
"r": "/v1N1WplY/d4Mses22jsHrb2MKkYuCEjFI82OumUyYE=",
"s": "db9UeNag67gkF4RRgIcx9SZBkOwsyzQd6vnL9pIrg/Y=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"amount": "0.02",
"nativeAmount": "20000.000000000000000000",
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "V2569qy2CYUbK6PHAAAH"
This endpoint enables you to fetch delegation status of a specified address at a specified validator.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/delegations/:validator
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
validator | validator |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | the address that performs delegation |
validator | string | validator to delegate to |
amount | string | delegated amount in main token unit |
nativeAmount | string | delegated amount in token unit |
Overall Undelegation Status
Request "Overall Undelegation Status" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018572656,
"sig": {
"r": "WWOEITPtz0GLLeVk0fvJd57kFdnTvmma1FSY/FVo13M=",
"s": "Ka3Kv8vwpMRYjDJaQDki39fGGy1+9vy677hpWOygLTc=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"entries": [
"creationHeight": 4779,
"completionTime": 1556018619654,
"initialNativeAmount": "1000",
"nativeAmount": "1000",
"initialAmount": "0.001",
"amount": "0.001"
This endpoint enables you to fetch overall unstaking status of a specified address.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/unstaking_delegations
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | the address that performs delegation |
validator | string | validator delegated to |
creationHeight | string | the block height while undelegation requested |
completionTime | string | undelegation completion time |
initialNativeAmount | string | reuqested amount to undelegate in token unit |
nativeAmount | string | real-time actual amount that will be undelegated in token unit |
initialAmount | string | reuqested amount to undelegate in main token unit |
amount | string | real-time actual amount that will be undelegated in main token unit |
Undelegation At Validator
Request "Undelegation At Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018590623,
"sig": {
"r": "Oaww0WvkGyus5IFxbYdCW76STqsk5Phb7+2rbSTTbP0=",
"s": "Q128OllQ+BPB1qbhz8a2DzNh+zd8THHmtDtcnqydV6c=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"entries": [
"creationHeight": 4779,
"completionTime": 1556018619654,
"initialNativeAmount": "1000",
"nativeAmount": "1000",
"initialAmount": "0.001",
"amount": "0.001"
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "h2112M6bFQZImpdUAAAB"
This endpoint enables you to fetch unstaking status of a specified address at a specified validator.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/unstaking_delegations/:validator
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
validator | validator |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | the address that performs delegation |
validator | string | validator delegated to |
creationHeight | string | the block height while undelegation requested |
completionTime | string | undelegation completion time |
initialNativeAmount | string | reuqested amount to undelegate in token unit |
nativeAmount | string | real-time actual amount that will be undelegated in token unit |
initialAmount | string | reuqested amount to undelegate in main token unit |
amount | string | real-time actual amount that will be undelegated in main token unit |
Fetch Address Validators
Request "Fetch Address Validators" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018616498,
"sig": {
"r": "xtLflM34H+li5bMTktfKGXMLUXdNlboDAaYc/D4Oafg=",
"s": "SKIwC0dGZihYvY56jJPCz1BIItF9ClVSxAU9XQmE/t0=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"name": "node0",
"address": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"pubkey": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqmp75ajy7jm0mqttc2d23ks54dn83yfshxd3038r4ejldcjcd0atsnwxnyr",
"jailed": false,
"status": 2,
"shares": "102009000.000000000000000000",
"delegationAmount": "102009000",
"minSelfDelegation": "1",
"commission": {
"rate": 0.1,
"maxRate": 0.2,
"maxChangeRate": 0.01,
"updateAt": "2019-04-23T04:41:34.202Z"
"name": "node1",
"address": "cosmosvaloper1wpw2nrq850mwgrhteh3jwc2g7w9led2hervrfu",
"pubkey": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqrjklsgkc8jeusfkjmrltlvz0s9cxe7vxr7uajpx2v0rfn0zvgtxqw5mwhj",
"jailed": true,
"status": 0,
"shares": "2726262.626262626262626261",
"delegationAmount": "2699000",
"minSelfDelegation": "100000",
"commission": {
"rate": 0.1,
"maxRate": 0.2,
"maxChangeRate": 0.01,
"updateAt": "2019-04-23T04:41:44.782Z"
This endpoint enables you to fetch validators an address delegated to.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/delegators/:delegator/validators
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
name | string | validator name |
address | string | validator's address |
pubkey | string | validator's public key |
jailed | boolean | if the validator is jailed |
status | number | validator's status |
shares | string | validator's shares |
delegationAmount | string | amount delegated to validator |
minSelfDelegation | string | amount delegated to validator by itself |
commission | object | validator's commission |
rate | float | validator's commission rate |
maxRate | float | validator's commission maxRate |
maxChangeRate | float | validator's commission maxChangeRate |
updateAt | string | validator info update time |
Set Reward Address
Request "Set Reward Address" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556008386558,
"sig": {
"r": "4VxS8mGcX5Wml0B25qwT8B1vCUOZG1411KcKGOAiKYE=",
"s": "fPkv8gI9HwqXecFeZaDvluaDF/TA+pN7At6cd9GBreI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"id": "21",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SYSTEM_CALL",
"type": "ATOM",
"coinType": "ATOM",
"to": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"value": "0",
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1556008386549,
"update_at": 1556008386551,
"action": "set-reward-address",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"from": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "RPamVnMkXe2aIgElAAAB"
This endpoint enables you to set address to claim reward to.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/rewards/:delegator/address
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.sequence | no | number | unique sequence |
data.address | yes | string | reward address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
Fetch Reward Address
Request "Fetch Reward Address" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018632885,
"sig": {
"r": "2fEarBGRKLM9KnEyjZX12yRJxPNScszopIxrL/IraQk=",
"s": "QH/oBrjOoDHqL3TyR36lVRgcz6L8PmM5ToeezrxJOeQ=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"address": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "h2112M6bFQZImpdUAAAB"
This endpoint enables you to fetch reward address.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/rewards/:delegator/address
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
address | string | the address that receives award |
Claim Reward
Request "Claim Reward" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554801579264,
"sig": {
"r": "1q87ktmqvcZrB8ID1nGSI3JlM0Zv5m12ldsiCNa5tVg=",
"s": "XlxYTIf7xYV6J/SrrReVtJIY8Nip1lCsxSVTZSfhGUo=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"id": "1969",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SYSTEM_CALL",
"type": "ATOM",
"coinType": "ATOM",
"to": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"value": "0",
"confirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1554801579255,
"update_at": 1554801579257,
"action": "claim-reward",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"from": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"hash": "",
"block": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"namespace": "Cosmos",
"sid": "h-02Y6BZGFDuZyWzAAAF"
This endpoint enables you to claim reward at all or specified validators.
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/rewards/:delegator/claim
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.sequence | no | number | unique sequence |
data.validator | no | string | specified validator to claim reward from, claim reward from all if not passed |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
Fetch Overall Reward
Request "Fetch Overall Reward" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1556018660578,
"sig": {
"r": "KpNI22ydps6qHjkWlKTr+OntLzXPV8uM7ayjALtI6ls=",
"s": "H4r6Hcm+qmN7wX1mdtzMGxIjdFBrOQgrjX4wjxRvQPg=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"nativeName": "stake",
"nativeAmount": "17.526742169806709000",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"amount": "0.00001752674216980671"
This endpoint enables you to fetch reward status at all validators.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/rewards/:delegator/profits
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | address that performs delegation |
nativeName | string | token |
nativeAmount | string | reward amount in token unit |
coinName | string | main token |
amount | string | reward amount in main token unit |
Reward At Validator
Request "Reward At Validator" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"timestamp": 1554191851801,
"sig": {
"r": "myLCMqne33PLyA6PKqHRS/PrAbhFWwuEOt/+RxjQIyk=",
"s": "Tb3p62GM1aA1x986whPjFjh0K4PC01xNI+aBIElB8E4=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"delegator": "cosmos1hrnl5pugag20gnu8zy3604jetqrjaf60czkl8u",
"validator": "cosmosvaloper1z7jw2deueg37nd6v3flmn4wy2v3nhz55tsx4y9",
"nativeName": "stake",
"nativeAmount": "16.877883495144000000",
"coinName": "ATOM",
"amount": "0.000016877883495144"
This endpoint enables you to fetch reward at specified validator.
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v1/stake/:coinName/rewards/:delegator/profits/:validator
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | coin name |
delegator | delegate from address |
validator | validator |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
delegator | string | address that performs delegation |
validator | string | validator delegated to |
nativeName | string | token |
nativeAmount | string | reward amount in token unit |
coinName | string | main token |
amount | string | reward amount in main token unit |
Sudo API
Request "创建钱包" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596165678554,
"sig": {
"r": "+XC2zWsOeZeV6HNxMnxlhJrjvkUnsYiDvWWINtoDqW0=",
"s": "IjXGQ7ItE3lO9+0TkOCIIhpSnCT5ZKEhednUBxewLmg=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"ok": true,
"wallet": {
"mode": "manual",
"mainIndex": 80,
"addrIndex": 0,
"_id": "5f238e2eb195db852aa89c79",
"name": "munual_3",
"desc": "冷签",
"alias": "manual_3",
"meta": {
"test": "test"
"create_at": "2020-07-31T03:21:18.513Z",
"update_at": "2020-07-31T03:21:18.513Z",
"__v": 0
"walletCreated": true
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
---|---|---|---| | yes | string | 钱包ID,必须全局唯一 |
data.mode | no | string | 模式,默认是manual,支持normal、safe、manual |
data.alias | no | string | 别名 |
data.desc | no | string | 描述 |
data.meta | no | any | 额外信息,选填 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
mode | string | 钱包模式 |
mainIndex | number | 钱包主衍生路径 |
addrIndex | number | 充值地址衍生路径的index位置 |
chains | list | 钱包中链的配置信息 |
_id | string | 数据库对象_id |
name | string | 钱包ID |
alias | string | 别名 |
meta | any | 创建钱包时传入的meta信息 |
desc | string | 描述 |
create_at | string | 创建时间 |
update_at | string | 上次更新时间 |
Request "查询钱包列表" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596167247056,
"sig": {
"r": "dI3ppAgcxDN1frCDhZjbfdi1nYfQvFiNeB+L9HFgT7Q=",
"s": "Hc40Oa9SWY3/+CZVnlkevYx+nj8mE5igcOiTniLFgWc=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"list": [
"mode": "normal",
"mainIndex": 6,
"addrIndex": 10273,
"_id": "5cfe1b5ab205e1f50df6dd3d",
"name": "wallet_1",
"desc": "desc",
"create_at": "2019-06-10T08:56:58.958Z",
"update_at": "2020-07-31T03:46:55.339Z",
"version": "0.1.0",
"alias": "wallet_1"
"pagination": {
"page": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 11
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets?appid=sudo&page=0&limit=1
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
page | no | number | 页数,默认0 |
limit | no | number | 每页查询数量,默认20 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
list | list | 钱包列表,钱包具体信息参照“查询钱包具体信息”接口返回 |
pagination | object | 分页的结果 |
Request "查询钱包具体信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
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"timestamp": 1596168440773,
"sig": {
"r": "0w2ic9KI+p/8XttsophO3VYwiblrJUTSLeHaNlOLpac=",
"s": "LgmSYyWIc6EansiF/YpyygpcbfVUZXvmH3Z8MjARj5s=",
"v": 28
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"hotAddressCachedAt": "2020-07-31T04:02:15.309Z",
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"coldAddressCachedAt": "2020-07-31T04:03:15.269Z",
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"Chain": "Ethereum",
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"ChainIndex": 60,
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"coinsEnabled": [
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"ledgerOptions": {
"file": "ethereum.js"
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"addressBizModes": [
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"RescanMode": "block",
"waitingSendOrdersOnline": true,
"GasPriceMaxNoDecimal": 200000000000,
"GasCoefficient": 1,
"AffirmativeConfirmation": 3,
"FailedAffirmativeConfirmation": 6
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"tokenTypes": [
"tokenTemplatesDynamic": [
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"path": "coin.GasLimit",
"rule": {
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"required": false,
"min": 50000,
"default": 100000
"type": "ERC20",
"path": "coin.GasLimit",
"rule": {
"type": "int",
"required": false,
"min": 50000,
"default": 100000
"tokenTemplates": [
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"rule": {
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"doubleScanGap": 30
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"mode": "stringMode",
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"hotAddressCachedAt": "2020-07-31T04:02:15.309Z",
"coldAddress": "0x3aaCBDa920eE8F2785A7fC1f08d1fC48B792e717",
"coldAddressCachedAt": "2020-07-31T04:03:15.269Z",
"generalOptions": {
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"status": {
"depositDisabled": false,
"withdrawDisabled": false
"config": {
"disabled": false,
"coin": {
"Type": "ETH",
"Rate": 1000000000000000000,
"GasLimit": 21000
"jadepool": {
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"SweepToHotCap": 0,
"SendAgainCap": 5,
"BatchCount": 1,
"Sources": {
"hot": "hsm_deep",
"cold": "hsm_deep"
"RescanMode": "block,address",
"Airdrop": {
"enabled": false,
"Address": ""
"name": "ETH",
"id": "5ca5afe2c52a961a3b1ecb5e",
"key": "ETH"
"isFromTemplate": false,
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"chain": "Ethereum",
"coreType": "ETH",
"tokenEnabled": true,
"depositWithdrawEnabled": true,
"type": "ETH",
"rate": 1000000000000000000
"_id": "5d1b2de38e08804c9dbe57f4",
"name": "default",
"desc": "Jadepool default wallet",
"create_at": "2019-07-02T10:11:47.669Z",
"update_at": "2020-07-31T04:03:15.270Z",
"__v": 25,
"version": "0.1.0"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
wallet | yes | string | 钱包ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
mode | string | 模式 |
mainIndex | number | 钱包主衍生路径 |
addrIndex | number | 充值地址衍生路径的index位置 |
chains | list | 钱包中链的配置信息 |
_id | string | 数据库对象ID |
name | string | 钱包ID |
alias | string | 别名 |
meta | any | 创建钱包时传入的meta信息 |
desc | string | 描述 |
create_at | string | 创建时间 |
update_at | string | 上次更新时间 |
Request "创建充值地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
json { "code": 0, "status": 0, "message": "OK", "crypto": "ecc", "hash": "sha3", "sort": "key-alphabet", "encode": "base64", "timestamp": 1596169526673, "sig": { "r": "cTmJcJT46Qr88I7qrchNa90+84UNsIelnFdBu1zwMCA=", "s": "bKpz+Rokh+vCTQtKZ9AMPktJ7xo/aMDcem05ln/optE=", "v": 28 }, "result": { "id": 2, "appid": "sudo", "wallet": "manual_1", "type": "ETH", "address": "0xBa4618A68f5fD24d97D37870b310F3728FBDed2a", "state": "used", "mode": "safe_deposit", "incoming": false, "incomings": [], "create_at": 1596169526625, "update_at": 1596169526661, "derivedPath": "m/44'/60/7700/0/2", "awaitPlans": [], "namespace": "ETH", "sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI" } }
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/address/:coinName/new
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.mode | yes | string | 地址模式:auto、deposit、deposit_memo、normal、safe_deposit |
data.algorithm | no | string | 生成地址所用的算法:secp256k1、ed25519、sr25519 |
data.algorithmHash | no | string | 生成地址用的hash方法,默认default: default、legacy |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | 衍生路径中index标识位 |
appid | string | 应用appid |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
type | string | 主币种类型 |
address | string | 生成的充值地址 |
state | string | 启用或弃用标识位 |
mode | string | 地址模式 |
derivedPath | string | 衍生路径 |
Request "批量创建充值地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596178700331,
"sig": {
"r": "3AyU17LcAhEynYVjvsOI2VXc0bLaX58VGtcisS7iVaU=",
"s": "Cocxfd1vc7D9UdFYShvOhUoxUVduf6EtCfh292SksYo=",
"v": 28
"result": [
"id": 37,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "safe",
"type": "ETH",
"address": "0xe6Ec148ABC0d06D69f8Fd1Cd5dF8A4b87461cb09",
"state": "used",
"mode": "safe_deposit",
"incoming": false,
"incomings": [],
"create_at": 1596178700307,
"update_at": 1596178700317,
"derivedPath": "m/44'/60'/3500'/0/37",
"awaitPlans": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
"id": 38,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "safe",
"type": "ETH",
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"state": "used",
"mode": "safe_deposit",
"incoming": false,
"incomings": [],
"create_at": 1596178700319,
"update_at": 1596178700327,
"derivedPath": "m/44'/60'/3500'/0/38",
"awaitPlans": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/address/:coinName/batch_new
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.amount | yes | number | 创建数量 |
data.mode | yes | string | 地址模式:auto、deposit、deposit_memo、normal、safe_deposit |
data.algorithm | no | string | 生成地址所用的算法:secp256k1、ed25519、sr25519 |
data.algorithmHash | no | string | 生成地址用的hash方法,默认default: default、legacy |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | 衍生路径中index标识位 |
appid | string | 应用appid |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
type | string | 主币种类型 |
address | string | 生成的充值地址 |
state | string | 启用或弃用标识位 |
mode | string | 地址模式 |
derivedPath | string | 衍生路径 |
Request "查询充值地址信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596179114768,
"sig": {
"r": "J+hB2N0f2qHvWPX0kgXGLrTrNXMPBXjD3sphE+lWKT8=",
"s": "L7wCJoXibRqFRCbohnRF4euLzkhTigrwgolyGefJCnI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"id": 28,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "safe",
"type": "ETH",
"address": "0xAbb6a5747aCB1a6D92251Dc646FE542869Bca733",
"state": "used",
"mode": "safe_deposit",
"incoming": false,
"incomings": [],
"create_at": 1592382772682,
"update_at": 1592382772690,
"derivedPath": "m/44'/60'/3500'/0/28",
"awaitPlans": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/address/:coinName/:address?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
address | 充值地址 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | number | 衍生路径中index标识位 |
appid | string | 应用appid |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
type | string | 主币种类型 |
address | string | 生成的充值地址 |
state | string | 启用或弃用标识位 |
mode | string | 地址模式 |
incoming | boolean | 地址中是否存在可用余额标识 |
incomings | list | 地址中存在可用余额的币种列表 |
awaitPlans | list | 授权订单列表 |
derivedPath | string | 衍生路径 |
Request "查询充值地址余额" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596179558954,
"sig": {
"r": "4bcfJuNrjqERahrdAj8a1w2zIu0rPGBeNXRvImrSloY=",
"s": "GzEiyIkenTI9RlO/lUA1GmC+/e6AkVnO8aE4PNxDHHU=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"balance": "0.004074",
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/address/:coinName/:address/balance?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
address | 充值地址 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
balance | string | 指定币种余额 |
Request "查询订单详情" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596179821894,
"sig": {
"r": "mjimL2h/rSLqpskdS75mAD+8ojSHnkIjCEzEf+Cwqsw=",
"s": "OfzN3jj62bOg6NIVS+NoHQxnEqaoHgpeX5w5jrGYWcU=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"_id": "5f2153327eac44853d2798e8",
"id": "130975",
"coinName": "BCOIN",
"txid": "0x040406b8feae2069907eb27da6f3bbe75be6bbfe85b8f79dc607131f5a197ea5",
"meta": "1271",
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "manual_1",
"sendMode": "manual_sign",
"state": "done",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "BCOIN",
"coinType": "BCOIN",
"from": "0x2884af7c92f24d8c753eaef6b8d11bed550db4a6",
"froms": [
"to": "0x3aaCBDa920eE8F2785A7fC1f08d1fC48B792e717",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1596019506,
"confirmations": 3,
"expectedConfirmations": 3,
"create_at": 1596019506108,
"update_at": 1596019759784,
"action": "withdraw-from-hotwallet",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0.000366894",
"fees": [
"_id": "5f21542f60d4c3853c90853f",
"amount": "0.000366894",
"coinName": "ETH",
"nativeAmount": "0",
"nativeName": ""
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 1596019614934,
"timestampFinish": 1596019759783,
"timestampHandle": 1596019612219
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "0x040406b8feae2069907eb27da6f3bbe75be6bbfe85b8f79dc607131f5a197ea5",
"txid_rawtx": "0x040406b8feae2069907eb27da6f3bbe75be6bbfe85b8f79dc607131f5a197ea5",
"block": 19899336,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": []
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/orders/:orderId?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
orderId | 订单号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "查询订单附加流程" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1599120766743,
"sig": {
"r": "2DwcfGNW+DFQ0PhyqZ/pgUj2IP8vuyYPMvaDlixcEWA=",
"s": "G7YPgpzm1HzSsNtM/6prRoBHkgpnkErOegkjTyPL5jg=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"wallet": "user1",
"category": "order-safe-deposit",
"currentFlow": "aml-success",
"lastFlow": "attempt-failed",
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaef",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"coinName": "ETH",
"related": "5f509acf79e8081994d37cfe",
"data": {
"targets": [
"passed": true,
"retry": true
"order": {
"_id": "5f50a57832406319967afb3c",
"id": "1517",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "",
"wallet": "user1",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SWEEP_INTERNAL",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x8b71f8d59fc673044e6e6283abd33600e827c31f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8767996c12dd811111313d3458a18e275fb63142",
"value": "0.1",
"sequence": 15991207605972806,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1599120760597,
"update_at": 1599120760599,
"action": "sweep-to-hot",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "5f509acf79e8081994d37cfe",
"relatedIssueRecords": []
"flows": [
"dataAccepts": [
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"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf1",
"field": "passed",
"required": true
"type": "string",
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf2",
"field": "refundAddress",
"requiredCond": {
"passed": false
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf3",
"path": "data.passed",
"value": true,
"next": "aml-success"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf4",
"path": "data.passed",
"value": false,
"next": "aml-failure"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf0",
"key": "start"
"dataAccepts": [],
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf6",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "done",
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf7",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "failed",
"next": "attempt-failed"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf5",
"key": "aml-success"
"dataAccepts": [],
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf9",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "done",
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afafa",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "failed",
"next": "attempt-failed"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaf8",
"key": "aml-failure"
"dataAccepts": [
"type": "boolean",
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afafc",
"field": "retry",
"required": true
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afafd",
"path": "data.retry",
"value": true,
"next": "back"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afafe",
"path": "data.retry",
"value": false,
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afafb",
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"transitions": [],
"_id": "5f509ad332406319967afaff",
"key": "end"
"attempts": [
"_id": "5f50a55f32406319967afb3b",
"flow": "aml-success",
"order": "5f50a50532406319967afb38"
"createdAt": "2020-09-03T07:27:15.253Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-09-03T08:12:40.606Z",
"__v": 1,
"finished": false,
"id": "5f509ad332406319967afaef"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/orders/:orderId/bizflow?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
orderId | 订单号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
category | string | 类别 |
currentFlow | string | 当前bizFlow的位置 |
lastFlow | string | 上次bizFlow的位置 |
_id | string | 数据库_id |
chainKey | string | 区块链的主key |
coinName | string | 币种名 |
related | string | 充值订单对应数据库的_id |
data | list | 审核数据记录 |
order | string | 审核后,汇总或退款的订单 |
flows | list | 整个flow流程 |
attempts | list | 订单失败后重新创建的记录 |
finished | boolean | flow结束标识位 |
Request "处理订单附加流程" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596181686010,
"sig": {
"r": "z9TDQ24FAlrZo98a/yZYCKHo62mgRyZVPk+gT2sutHw=",
"s": "OjBb+3DJXW2HWPu8voa13C9g7ekx4i1mEEeZUw4NsRM=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"wallet": "safe",
"category": "order-safe-deposit",
"currentFlow": "start",
"lastFlow": null,
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908542",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"coinName": "ETH",
"related": "5f23cbe8d22d60853a07213d",
"data": {
"targets": [
"passed": true
"order": null,
"flows": [
"dataAccepts": [
"type": "boolean",
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908544",
"field": "passed",
"required": true
"type": "string",
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908545",
"field": "refundAddress",
"requiredCond": {
"passed": false
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908546",
"path": "data.passed",
"value": true,
"next": "aml-success"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908547",
"path": "data.passed",
"value": false,
"next": "aml-failure"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908543",
"key": "start"
"dataAccepts": [],
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908549",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "done",
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854a",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "failed",
"next": "attempt-failed"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908548",
"key": "aml-success"
"dataAccepts": [],
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854c",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "done",
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854d",
"path": "order.state",
"value": "failed",
"next": "attempt-failed"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854b",
"key": "aml-failure"
"dataAccepts": [
"type": "boolean",
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854f",
"field": "retry",
"required": true
"transitions": [
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908550",
"path": "data.retry",
"value": true,
"next": "back"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908551",
"path": "data.retry",
"value": false,
"next": "end"
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c90854e",
"key": "attempt-failed"
"dataAccepts": [],
"transitions": [],
"_id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908552",
"key": "end"
"attempts": [],
"createdAt": "2020-07-31T07:44:49.189Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-31T07:48:06.004Z",
"__v": 0,
"finished": false,
"id": "5f23cbf160d4c3853c908542"
HTTP Request
PATCH http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/orders/:orderId/bizflow?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
orderId | 订单号 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.passed | yes | boolean | 订单bizFlow在start状态时传入 |
data.refundAddress | no | string | 订单bizFlow在start状态时传入,passed=false时必传 |
data.retry | no | boolean | 订单bizFlow在attempt-failed状态时传入 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
category | string | 类别 |
currentFlow | string | 当前bizFlow的位置 |
lastFlow | string | 上次bizFlow的位置 |
_id | string | 数据库_id |
chainKey | string | 区块链的主key |
coinName | string | 币种名 |
related | string | 充值订单对应数据库的_id |
data | list | 审核数据记录 |
order | string | 审核后,汇总或退款的订单 |
flows | list | 整个flow流程 |
attempts | list | 订单失败后重新创建的记录 |
finished | boolean | flow结束标识位 |
Request "查询钱包余额" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596182155555,
"sig": {
"r": "rIob/hW9bMAeaHju4YU10rbqG6FTLsn2TsAEy10BRuY=",
"s": "XLwZjWRnAMgtsBU6CUPBvlznSte2lW0/9rOwEu/fHP0=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"balance": "129.9851",
"balanceAvailable": "121.6308",
"balanceUnavailable": "8.3543",
"addressAmount": 14,
"hotAddress": "0x0fe96bfffcd668a5c17ccf691aa63eddf2ef567f",
"coldAddress": "0x3aaCBDa920eE8F2785A7fC1f08d1fC48B792e717",
"balanceCold": "344.17496134",
"update_at": 1596182155549,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/tokens/:coinName/status?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
balance | string | 钱包中地址总余额 |
balanceAvailable | string | 可用余额 |
balanceUnavailable | string | 不可用余额 |
addressAmount | number | 充值地址数量 |
hotAddress | string | 热主地址 |
coldAddress | string | 冷钱包地址 |
balanceCold | string | 冷钱包地址余额 |
update_at | number | 上次更新时间 |
Request "查询钱包地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596182474014,
"sig": {
"r": "bKxjI68jj/NKkIikNrgFInJrz7pT3HUZgb1uxopi1Gg=",
"s": "HUmbWe9KAVVNJecmyY2gxPB/1ZITmvuh4CMs7TFuLko=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"wallet": "manual",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"hot": [
"cold": [
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/tokens/:coinName/address?appid=sudo
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
chainKey | string | 区块链的基础key |
hot | list | 热主地址 |
cold | list | 冷钱包地址 |
Request "提现" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596182945981,
"sig": {
"r": "K63Ij5SUnUToO9PujvGoX7fb4GSNOoiMCIS8OnzOIHM=",
"s": "YYKd3KYZneOVt83an/mybvsRZrqr7G+h+SGgV/KqHqY=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"_id": "5f23d1a17eac44853d2798f3",
"id": "130979",
"coinName": "BCOIN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "manual_1",
"sendMode": "manual_sign",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "BCOIN",
"coinType": "BCOIN",
"from": "0x2884Af7C92f24d8C753EAef6B8d11beD550DB4A6",
"froms": [
"to": "0x3aaCBDa920eE8F2785A7fC1f08d1fC48B792e717",
"value": "0.001",
"sequence": 1596182946,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596182945963,
"update_at": 1596182945967,
"action": "withdraw-from-hotwallet",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/tokens/:coinName/withdraw
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.sequence | yes | number | 序列号 | | yes | string | 目标地址 |
data.value | yes | boolean | 订单金额 |
data.priority | no | number | 手续费率倍数,大于等于1,小于等于10 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "给订单设置自定义标签" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1605532469083,
"sig": {
"r": "2oKRvlpISt7BDr3fOvrzJ6JXqgILsvS5B1damohCKzU=",
"s": "fnRX3/u5+ySC03ogTSo8kWnSMzUp2SHzPU78iUD4Mg4=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"n": 1,
"nModified": 1,
"ok": 1
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/orders/:orderId/tags
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
orderId | 需要打标签的订单 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.key | yes | string | 全局唯一,关联一组标签 |
data.locales | yes | array | 标签内容 |
data.locales[n].lang | yes | enum | 标签语言,'zh-cn'或'en' |
data.locales[n].label | yes | string | 标签 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
n | number | 选中的对象数 |
nModified | number | 修改的对象数 |
ok | number | 修改结果,1是成功,0是失败 |
Request "验证是否可转账" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596186366424,
"sig": {
"r": "D1HKEWL+wIbWi5xyUbztuAhC87YpgqZXoLvRgVoKR3o=",
"s": "athmEUn8eykLT0DEhI4HpVlt9mRfZhJIUTt5b5CLlPo=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"code": 0,
"reason": "Valid",
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/transfer_check
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
---|---|---|---| | yes | string | 目标地址 |
data.value | yes | string | 要转账的金额 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
code | number | 响应码 |
reason | string | 说明 |
Request "将钱包注册为投资人" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596186564542,
"sig": {
"r": "ofbTnjrF4G1CTrepSkIY72+H9u8dL2skTVx0oJeONX8=",
"s": "AEAc6a6J8F4idYtW0vYeBVbxR9ChT3TbD8/M0Yl/E3M=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f23dfc48f49a57714beed21",
"id": "999",
"coinName": "DSTOKEN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "MANUAL_OP",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DS_METHOD",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "DSTOKEN",
"coinType": "DSTOKEN",
"from": "0xfa5e799713546b2b9DeBF2A611d4B695B628a20f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8549A6843Bf411d811C6bBD0Ac50024f29F64672",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1596186563994,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596186564512,
"update_at": 1596186564525,
"action": "register_investor",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/register
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.investorID | yes | string | 投资人id |
data.sequence | yes | number | 唯一序列号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "添加到当前投资人" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596186667086,
"sig": {
"r": "vpzV0lJ6xce/ixSsxHX5iCQcOTEL+fdGjwrPzaAkuQM=",
"s": "A4A/w15q7Odq2n7XpGzXvX5M5sYiju/Lpn7kAq5FMKI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f23e02b8f49a57714beed24",
"id": "1001",
"coinName": "DSTOKEN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "MANUAL_OP",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DS_METHOD",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "DSTOKEN",
"coinType": "DSTOKEN",
"from": "0xfa5e799713546b2b9DeBF2A611d4B695B628a20f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8549A6843Bf411d811C6bBD0Ac50024f29F64672",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1596186666383,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596186667077,
"update_at": 1596186667078,
"action": "add_address_to_investor",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request*
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/add_address
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.address | yes | string | 充值地址 |
data.sequence | yes | number | 唯一序列号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "从当前投资人移出" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596186743827,
"sig": {
"r": "q9wOxqIlyrpGiknUdXMD7Xw8xFvPoKcqJjCf0G2v4oo=",
"s": "T9b+N+GhXSFM7KuxvsNYDz+9VZsD/75MVaeiIzxd6W0=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f23e0778f49a57714beed25",
"id": "1002",
"coinName": "DSTOKEN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "MANUAL_OP",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DS_METHOD",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "DSTOKEN",
"coinType": "DSTOKEN",
"from": "0xfa5e799713546b2b9DeBF2A611d4B695B628a20f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8549A6843Bf411d811C6bBD0Ac50024f29F64672",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1596186743475,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596186743814,
"update_at": 1596186743817,
"action": "remove_address_from_investor",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/remove_address
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.address | yes | string | 充值地址 |
data.sequence | yes | number | 唯一序列号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "添加投资人国家" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596187009717,
"sig": {
"r": "+pVtZNTA+FBL8hN45G9woBA4MONjkjq+BSZHrzp7sM4=",
"s": "XAeizGyp3FRCxrd6xZzUXXCIy9tc8ZGRnNbE9ZJqOnI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f23e1818f49a57714beed26",
"id": "1005",
"coinName": "DSTOKEN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "MANUAL_OP",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DS_METHOD",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "DSTOKEN",
"coinType": "DSTOKEN",
"from": "0xfa5e799713546b2b9DeBF2A611d4B695B628a20f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8549A6843Bf411d811C6bBD0Ac50024f29F64672",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1596187008892,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596187009704,
"update_at": 1596187009709,
"action": "set_investor_country",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/set_country
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.countryCode | yes | string | 国家简码 |
data.sequence | yes | number | 唯一序列号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "添加投资人属性" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596187035318,
"sig": {
"r": "7TOE6KAUhg3XeEYQ5L2ibXlioYeJHIPyja2nOonPK2c=",
"s": "QKpwmP5tI18LV52uWde3c5I8uOgo8xzO6Qn246OvHsI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "5f23e19b8f49a57714beed27",
"id": "1006",
"coinName": "DSTOKEN",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "sudo",
"wallet": "MANUAL_OP",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "DS_METHOD",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "DSTOKEN",
"coinType": "DSTOKEN",
"from": "0xfa5e799713546b2b9DeBF2A611d4B695B628a20f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x8549A6843Bf411d811C6bBD0Ac50024f29F64672",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1596187034769,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1596187035305,
"update_at": 1596187035309,
"action": "set_investor_attribute",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"pendingTags": [],
"events": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "4D3nqsKl3MVqmWxiAAAJ"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/set_attribute
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.attributeID | yes | number | |
data.value | yes | string | |
data.expiry | yes | string | |
data.proofHash | yes | string | |
data.sequence | yes | number | 唯一序列号 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "获取钱包的注册信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1597386711337,
"sig": {
"r": "oyw9l4iBl7V6mBXyGgfKYXBVUunH97ERiWs4XknvYrE=",
"s": "f4DZHBpdQfoC9s8QNBnTy2JlWN5G5vCkkMSUJad5ofk=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"investorID": "user20",
"countryCode": "HK",
"attributes": {
"0": {
"expiry": "1596426046699",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E2",
"value": "2"
"1": {
"expiry": "1596424378444",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E0",
"value": "1"
"2": {
"expiry": "1597376046112",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E2",
"value": "0"
"4": {
"expiry": "1597376055762",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E2",
"value": "2"
"5": {
"expiry": "1597376076488",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E2",
"value": "9"
"8": {
"expiry": "1597376066647",
"proofHash": "0xC5C22849CEB17E3518de508254504Ba34dCB6E2",
"value": "2"
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "9rZHtghw7vHbnUjBAAAC"
HTTP Request
GET http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/wallets/:wallet/ds/:coinName/reg_info
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
wallet | 钱包ID |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
investorID | string | 投资人id |
Request "验证地址有效性" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596183478631,
"sig": {
"r": "0FM5+Dy7yNEAGWYYXWc6GXw1udDyOzpJtUglhWd7GqA=",
"s": "ECE/FIQIh8cKuwycleE0DTImDnOf2DZ0VP1DlP0ByqU=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"address": "0x3aaCBDa920eE8F2785A7fC1f08d1fC48B792e717",
"valid": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "AViqqexi-V0lvr4BAAAI"
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/utilities/tokens/:coinName/address_verify
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
coinName | 币种名称 |
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.address | yes | string | 充值地址 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
address | string | 充值地址 |
valid | boolean | 是否合法 |
Request "设置回调地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1596183742084,
"sig": {
"r": "ozMYHAcy09g5oN7PV2Efi/ez3xbI+2NxtuhS7cU2SiA=",
"s": "AMBlR8DAXnSjk0T+L5zmA0DEME9py8iB2UCzyQ5N2mg=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"isok": true
HTTP Request
POST http://jadepool.example/api/v2/s/utilities/set_callback
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.audit | no | string | 审计回调地址 |
data.orderDefault | no | string | 默认回调地址 |
data.order.WITHDRAW | no | string | 充值订单回调地址 |
Request "注册公钥" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695319833,
"sig": {
"r": "gtXA4NL9etHtxg3f8nUar5jBmq3CNMNsBCwIoEK4xb8=",
"s": "ADjm+yGuK0qAI+wsh9YL9Nt/pPu33/03XIqXHEzS0ag=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"_id": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"addresses": [],
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"publicKey": "033fdc284b5b980927c7a011ff0506aa7208ea327b3e905328f038bf259d2fbc75",
"alias": "alice",
"meta": {
"a": 1
"create_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"__v": 0
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/units
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.pubKey | yes | string | 需要注册的公钥 |
data.alias | no | string | 选填,注册的别名 |
data.algorithm | no | string | 私钥到公钥的算法(secp256k1、ecdsa、ed25519、sr25519) |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | resource ID,唯一ID,可用以查询 |
pubKey | string | 需要注册的公钥 |
alias | string | 请求时传入值 |
addresses | array | 注册公钥已衍生的地址的ObjectID |
wallet | string | 注册公钥的(MPC)钱包 |
algorithm | string | 传入的私钥到公钥的算法 |
Request "查询注册公钥列表" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695346131,
"sig": {
"r": "RoZ8C6fe8oihxS8IS8YeN4tGCqR9Y43PDEJULWCAOBc=",
"s": "SXYDRGi9ZJUsU/Vl5fKUdCgfVK3kGyK7VWSC/Klw5Xo=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"list": [
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"_id": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"addresses": [],
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"publicKey": "033fdc284b5b980927c7a011ff0506aa7208ea327b3e905328f038bf259d2fbc75",
"alias": "alice",
"meta": {
"a": 1
"create_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z"
"pagination": {
"page": 0,
"limit": 10,
"total": 1
HTTP Request
GET http://{ip}/api/v2/units?page={page}&limit={limit}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
page | no | number | 查询页数 |
limit | no | number | 每页查询数量 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
list[n]._id | string | 注册单元的唯一ID resource ID |
list[n].pubKey | string | 需要注册的公钥 |
list[n].alias | string | 请求时传入值 |
list[n].addresses | array | 注册公钥已衍生的地址的ObjectID |
list[n].wallet | string | 注册公钥的(MPC)钱包### 注册公钥 |
list[n].appid | string | 应用ID |
list[n].algorithm | string | 私钥到公钥的算法 | | number | 查询所在页数 |
pagination.limit | number | 每页查询数量 | | number | 符合条件的条目总数 |
Request "查询注册公钥信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695360816,
"sig": {
"r": "2ss/SK084+L0Czz5eg+KCTUcEv+d3jQJ4SRMa/O1+6o=",
"s": "BwMJ0/VnDZrZvw7+bspxMs8AFCITZNO35BjdCvIZ/xM=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"_id": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"addresses": [],
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"publicKey": "033fdc284b5b980927c7a011ff0506aa7208ea327b3e905328f038bf259d2fbc75",
"alias": "alice",
"meta": {
"a": 1
"create_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"__v": 0
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 注册单元的唯一ID resource ID |
pubKey | string | 需要注册的公钥 |
alias | string | 请求时传入值 |
addresses | array | 注册公钥已衍生的地址的ObjectID |
algorithm | string | 私钥到公钥的算法 |
wallet | string | 注册公钥的(MPC)钱包 |
appid | string | 应用ID |
Request "修改注册公钥信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617696633108,
"sig": {
"r": "jObqwfW/o+CzaSqOO44Y4DT20qZmXedurFgvkjAKYn8=",
"s": "FRZ7X04xjrfnEguXy+ZMtvv1PouqVlO75D/SJ/3mjio=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"_id": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"addresses": [
"_id": "606c12930b207604bc55a029",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"instance": "606c12930b207604bc55a028"
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"publicKey": "033fdc284b5b980927c7a011ff0506aa7208ea327b3e905328f038bf259d2fbc75",
"alias": "alice",
"meta": {
"a": 3
"create_at": "2021-04-06T07:48:39.828Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T08:10:33.104Z",
"__v": 0
HTTP Request
PATCH http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
data.alias | yes | string | 目前只能修改别名 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 注册单元的唯一ID resource ID |
pubKey | string | 需要注册的公钥 |
alias | string | 别名 |
addresses | array | 注册公钥已衍生的地址的ObjectID |
algorithm | string | 私钥到公钥的算法 |
wallet | string | 注册公钥的(MPC)钱包 |
appid | string | 应用ID |
Request "创建地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695379654,
"sig": {
"r": "FfDsD3F65s12UQ44x4gA0W6ZGMolMeqozkM+jtaGywY=",
"s": "Huw9E+pyAvjfEkILfLLhGuYTVIGIizEOaIYy6I4hDmc=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"algorithmHash": "default",
"wallet": "custom",
"incoming": false,
"incomings": [],
"tags": [],
"functional": false,
"dusts": [],
"state": "used",
"awaitPlans": [],
"assign_at": 1617695379640,
"_id": "606c12930b207604bc55a028",
"appid": "custom_app",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "ETH",
"mode": "normal",
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"id": 1,
"derivedPath": "",
"address": "0x829A4D2a502ab39CC7641D7752eE88C727B41CB9",
"create_at": 1617695379642,
"update_at": 1617695379646,
"unit": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"__v": 0,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 创建地址的token |
data.algorithmHash | no | string | 选填,目前传default就可以 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 地址的唯一ObjectID |
wallet | string | 注册公钥、生成地址的(MPC)钱包 |
appid | string | 应用ID |
subType | string | token |
address | string | 地址 |
unit | string | 注册单元的唯一ID resource ID |
Request "查询地址" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695411724,
"sig": {
"r": "Lrv/KIVbLJROLjOvpWhVzTzj0E9NzvC4gRVgqQz/0ew=",
"s": "Okh/d/pnHmUZJjEuyD9xAzxxkDPCDcn01Jd39HZvhaM=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"algorithmHash": "default",
"wallet": "custom",
"incoming": false,
"incomings": [],
"tags": [],
"functional": false,
"dusts": [],
"state": "used",
"awaitPlans": [],
"assign_at": 1617695379640,
"_id": "606c12930b207604bc55a028",
"appid": "custom_app",
"type": "ETH",
"subType": "ETH",
"mode": "normal",
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"id": 1,
"derivedPath": "",
"address": "0x829a4d2a502ab39cc7641d7752ee88c727b41cb9",
"create_at": 1617695379642,
"update_at": 1617695379646,
"unit": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"__v": 0,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 查询地址的token |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 地址的唯一ObjectID |
wallet | string | 注册公钥、生成地址的(MPC)钱包 |
appid | string | 应用ID |
subType | string | token |
address | string | 地址 |
unit | string | 注册单元的唯一ID resource ID |
Request "查询地址相关订单" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695595541,
"sig": {
"r": "U7P1fDVTntuQ0Dpl7E0PdXOxoUEcfJYSwsQ57VzxEg0=",
"s": "HMsBS92+n1cDfIJ8iwUXtSWRVleEKkxKBJ5qG4rNco4=",
"v": 27
"result": [
"_id": "606c1352b10f4804ae3167f1",
"id": "54",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": "0x1b10841c6a16c85b3748695bd890908e3998d71b809914fe2ab1f8c826754e66",
"meta": null,
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"sendMode": "normal",
"state": "pending",
"bizType": "DEPOSIT",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f",
"froms": [
"to": "0x829A4D2a502ab39CC7641D7752eE88C727B41CB9",
"value": "0.1",
"sequence": 16176955705364982,
"confirmations": 14,
"expectedConfirmations": 20,
"create_at": 1617695570536,
"update_at": 1617695595377,
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [],
"tags": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0.000315",
"fees": [
"_id": "606c136bacf9f804af38890c",
"amount": "0.000315",
"coinName": "ETH",
"nativeAmount": "0",
"nativeName": ""
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 1617695570537,
"timestampFinish": 0,
"timestampHandle": 1617695570537
"options": {},
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"stateTags": [],
"validationResults": [],
"events": [],
"inputs": [],
"hash": "0x1b10841c6a16c85b3748695bd890908e3998d71b809914fe2ab1f8c826754e66",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": 24172701,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
"_id": "606c13460b207604bc55a02a",
"id": "53",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"sendMode": "custom_sign",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x829A4D2a502ab39CC7641D7752eE88C727B41CB9",
"froms": [
"to": "0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f",
"value": "0.002",
"sequence": 1617695558,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1617695558556,
"update_at": 1617695559236,
"action": "withdraw-from-addr",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [
"tags": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"options": {
"unitId": "606c1257733901019076dcef"
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"stateTags": [],
"validationResults": [],
"events": [],
"inputs": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}/orders/{state}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 查询地址的token |
state | no | string | 订单状态,选填。如果只需查询某一状态的订单,传入状态(init,holding,online,pending,done,failed,cancelled) |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "查询地址余额" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695511824,
"sig": {
"r": "F9NToE/+JamPmC4nBqm+13xC7K5CIYO8fxUDcbQirwQ=",
"s": "LZ86aDC+astqztaAUsCz6Ei0N9yJHUn6v+JoOIQ/maA=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"balance": "0.1",
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}/balance
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 查询地址的token |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
balance | string | 地址余额 |
Request "强制更新地址余额" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695496440,
"sig": {
"r": "CvvYeJneY00UbEqtJS/6cHTzD0ggNHtGCWCqafkkWJU=",
"s": "NGkUB4aseN2TrQbqdg+cl+mk3wLkFXEji7Shp70FAl0=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"ok": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}/active
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 地址token |
data | yes | object | 传空对象即可 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
ok | boolean | true表示请求成功 |
Request "发起提现" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617696974795,
"sig": {
"r": "cg7b80V6KPyJPW6IQm5I/Ga6A6bc6xdU1+tcEoEJ1eQ=",
"s": "MIH+w9ak4hDa8/xZkBkRilJATWM8pZoEWhGRofMZyuQ=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"_id": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b04",
"id": "1207",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "mpc",
"sendMode": "custom_sign",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x3B207951C2c906ed2F246A875275A9C70a22f2A4",
"froms": [
"to": "0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f",
"value": "0.002",
"sequence": 1617696974,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1617696974676,
"update_at": 1617696974689,
"action": "withdraw-from-addr",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [],
"tags": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"options": {
"feePrice": 10000000000,
"gasLimit": 21000,
"buildingTimeout": 15000,
"unitId": "602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1"
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"stateTags": [],
"validationResults": [],
"events": [],
"inputs": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "0yRVwFz4Fbn6JvNnAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}/withdraw
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 地址token |
data.sequence | yes | number | 请求的唯一序列号 | | yes | number | 提现接收地址 |
data.value | yes | number | 提现金额 |
data.advanced.feePrice | no | number | 交易手续费,必须是(最小单位的)整数 |
data.advanced.gasLimit | no | number | 以太坊系交易设置 |
data.advanced.buildingTimeout | no | number | 如果超过该时间段构建交易没有完成就取消订单 |
data.advanced.priority | no | number | 手续费倍率,和feePrice、gasLimit,只能二选一传入 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "发起合约交易" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695725450,
"sig": {
"r": "1Fzg6L2pwr2hn5o4Bd5X8ZWxaQx6DTybeEGMksLSUos=",
"s": "UZ9sOBHe3QrCtC880lFYw8wIReoPdJ9NoNVBgjJhBeM=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "606c13ed0b207604bc55a053",
"id": "55",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"sendMode": "custom_sign",
"state": "init",
"bizType": "SYSTEM_CALL",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x829A4D2a502ab39CC7641D7752eE88C727B41CB9",
"froms": [
"to": "0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f",
"value": "0",
"sequence": 1617695725,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1617695725403,
"update_at": 1617695725406,
"action": "general:general:UNISWAP swapETHForExactTokens",
"actionArgs": [
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [],
"tags": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0
"options": {
"unitId": "606c1257733901019076dcef"
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"stateTags": [],
"validationResults": [],
"events": [],
"inputs": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/units/{ResourceID}/addresses/{token}/invoke
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
ResourceID | yes | string | 注册公钥时返回的唯一ID |
token | yes | string | 地址token |
data.sequence | yes | number | 请求的唯一序列号 | | yes | number | 交易接收地址 |
data.value | yes | number | 交易金额 |
data.input | yes | number | 以太坊系交易的input data |
data.action | yes | number | 该项仅用于后台管理系统显示,传入便于阅读的值即可 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "查询订单" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695936950,
"sig": {
"r": "J/g2BKbw8o6rLO4DUfcUWzUdtdKDRb9IeckomuLvyd0=",
"s": "H/Hz0SwHmKSEh7BuzOZ/c3eD6P9liLsqaolQkc3EfOI=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"_id": "606c13460b207604bc55a02a",
"id": "53",
"coinName": "ETH",
"txid": null,
"meta": null,
"appid": "custom_app",
"wallet": "custom",
"sendMode": "custom_sign",
"state": "cancelled",
"bizType": "WITHDRAW",
"type": "ETH",
"coinType": "ETH",
"from": "0x829A4D2a502ab39CC7641D7752eE88C727B41CB9",
"froms": [
"to": "0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f",
"value": "0.002",
"sequence": 1617695558,
"confirmations": 0,
"expectedConfirmations": 0,
"create_at": 1617695558556,
"update_at": 1617695713143,
"action": "withdraw-from-addr",
"actionArgs": [],
"actionResults": [],
"postHandlers": [],
"bizFlows": [
"wallet": "custom",
"category": "custom-withdraw",
"currentFlow": "end",
"lastFlow": "cancelled",
"_id": "606c13460b207604bc55a02b",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"coinName": "ETH",
"related": "606c13460b207604bc55a02a",
"data": {
"unitId": "606c1257733901019076dcef",
"building_trying": false,
"building_error": null
"attempts": [
"_id": "606c1347acf9f804af388907",
"flow": "unbuilt",
"transaction": "606c1347acf9f804af388905"
"logs": [
"_id": "606c13e2acf9f804af388916",
"from": "cancelled",
"to": "end",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"606c1257733901019076dcef\",\"building_trying\":false,\"building_error\":null}",
"occuredAt": 1617695714241
"_id": "606c13e1acf9f804af388914",
"from": "rawtx_built",
"to": "cancelled",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"606c1257733901019076dcef\",\"building_trying\":false,\"building_error\":null}",
"occuredAt": 1617695713271
"_id": "606c1348acf9f804af388908",
"from": "unbuilt",
"to": "rawtx_built",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"606c1257733901019076dcef\",\"building_trying\":false}",
"occuredAt": 1617695560340
"createdAt": "2021-04-06T07:52:38.581Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-04-06T07:55:14.244Z",
"__v": 3,
"transaction": "606c1347acf9f804af388905",
"finished": true,
"id": "606c13460b207604bc55a02b"
"tags": [],
"n": 0,
"fee": "0",
"fees": [],
"data": {
"timestampBegin": 0,
"timestampFinish": 0,
"reason": "user request."
"options": {
"unitId": "606c1257733901019076dcef"
"pendingTags": [],
"sendingTags": [],
"stateTags": [],
"validationResults": [],
"events": [
"topic": "state-issue",
"_id": "606c13e10b207604bc55a052",
"value": "cancelled",
"code": 29016,
"message": "user request.",
"occuredAt": 1617695713142
"inputs": [],
"hash": "",
"txid_rawtx": "",
"block": -1,
"blockHash": "",
"blockTimestamp": -1,
"extraData": "",
"memo": "",
"sendAgain": false,
"relatedOrder": "",
"relatedIssueRecords": [],
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/orders/{orderID}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
orderID | yes | string | 查询订单的ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
_id | string | 数据库中_id序列 |
id | string | 订单号 |
coinName | string | 币种名称 |
txid | string | 上链后的txid |
meta | string | 存放nonce |
appid | string | 应用id |
wallet | string | 钱包ID |
sendMode | string | 发送方式,normal、manual_sign |
state | string | 订单状态 |
bizType | string | 订单类型 |
type | string | 主type |
subType | string | 子type |
coinType | string | 币种类型 |
from | string | 订单创建时的from |
froms | string | 实际链上去重后的from |
to | string | 到账地址 |
value | string | 订单金额 |
sequence | number | 唯一序列号 |
confirmations | number | 当前确认数 |
expectedConfirmations | number | 期望确认数 |
action | string | 订单动作 |
actionArgs | list | action的参数 |
actionResults | list | action结果 |
postHandlers | list | |
n | number | 订单所在交易的位置 |
fee | string | 手续费 |
fees | list | 手续费具体信息 |
data | object | 订单处理过程中的数据记录 |
pendingTags | list | 订单异常时的标识位 |
events | list | 事件记录 |
hash | string | 交易上链的hash |
txid_rawtx | string | 预先计算的hash |
block | number | 订单所在区块 |
blockHash | string | 订单所在区块的hash |
blockTimestamp | number | 订单所在区块的时间戳 |
extraData | string | 额外信息 |
memo | string | 提现时的memo |
sendAgain | string | 重发标识 |
relatedOrder | string | 关联订单 |
relatedIssueRecords | list | holding订单记录 |
Request "查询交易信息" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617697164776,
"sig": {
"r": "go2InzFNTexM2y8RkdlEhxOWHorK0vk0JzFx/ONKNQ8=",
"s": "NADx1vSeCg7osCVtgxtFULxdjdpCmEw5/SH/Xoybjbs=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"round": 0,
"sequence": 0,
"index": 0,
"involvedOrders": [
"_id": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc87",
"batch": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b05",
"wallet": "mpc",
"coinName": "ETH",
"senderAddress": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4",
"raw": "0xed808502540be4008252089404e98d7a5ca93d3ddcf88dbb0f9dde1e2910061f87071afd498d000080822fca8080",
"changes": [],
"inputs": [
"_id": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc88",
"raw": "{\"sender\":\"0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4\",\"txParams\":{\"chainId\":12234,\"nonce\":0,\"gasPrice\":\"0x2540be400\",\"gasLimit\":\"0x5208\",\"to\":\"0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f\",\"value\":\"0x71afd498d0000\",\"data\":\"\"},\"nonce\":0}",
"msgToSign": "031cdedff09182169afb8790e5c6e79701fd96609f505eac6bfdecd3b8243294",
"wallet": "mpc",
"senderAddress": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4",
"uid": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4:0",
"pubKey": "02122185db5be954c20e889b41f1e57b4274e2776a7c459b97f55c2193df81ba73",
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"derivedPath": "m/44'/60'/900'/0/2",
"sig": "{\"r\":\"59256d606748540cd761da3139d6d2a87c71b87e893912c1e7e11c82fd6c5b61\",\"s\":\"796b5a5ec3e9e6bfd6623c6ba1b2f1c841f22b447db9e4a4224658742e14be89\",\"v\":1}"
"create_at": "2021-04-06T08:16:16.721Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T08:18:27.991Z"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/orders/{orderID}/transaction
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
orderID | yes | string | 查询订单的ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
raw | string | 交易原始数据,用于解析出交易数据 |
inputs[n].msgToSign | string | 用于签名 |
Request "查询业务流程" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617697142346,
"sig": {
"r": "wIY+y6vUHTFaZLNgF4LyEv7IrRq90PE1zsPsduQg4+w=",
"s": "SU3zVRQfShMLZXK2zTmB+kOI+I8HEl7RKUx5f2w29NM=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"wallet": "mpc",
"category": "custom-withdraw",
"currentFlow": "confirming",
"lastFlow": "sending",
"_id": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b05",
"chainKey": "ETH",
"coinName": "ETH",
"related": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b04",
"data": {
"unitId": "602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1",
"building_trying": false,
"building_error": null,
"sending_error": null
"attempts": [
"_id": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc89",
"flow": "unbuilt",
"transaction": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc87"
"logs": [
"_id": "606c1956de0c51c33083dc91",
"from": "sending",
"to": "confirming",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1\",\"building_trying\":false,\"building_error\":null,\"sending_error\":null}",
"occuredAt": 1617697110136
"_id": "606c1955de0c51c33083dc8f",
"from": "ready_to_send",
"to": "sending",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1\",\"building_trying\":false,\"building_error\":null,\"sending_error\":null}",
"occuredAt": 1617697109352
"_id": "606c1954de0c51c33083dc8c",
"from": "rawtx_built",
"to": "ready_to_send",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1\",\"building_trying\":false,\"building_error\":null}",
"occuredAt": 1617697108031
"_id": "606c18d1de0c51c33083dc8a",
"from": "unbuilt",
"to": "rawtx_built",
"data": "{\"unitId\":\"602356b0f7b2d26fe4e8bdb1\",\"building_trying\":false}",
"occuredAt": 1617696977368
"createdAt": "2021-04-06T08:16:14.751Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-04-06T08:18:30.139Z",
"__v": 4,
"transaction": {
"round": 0,
"sequence": 0,
"index": 0,
"involvedOrders": [
"_id": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc87",
"batch": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b05",
"wallet": "mpc",
"coinName": "ETH",
"senderAddress": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4",
"raw": "0xed808502540be4008252089404e98d7a5ca93d3ddcf88dbb0f9dde1e2910061f87071afd498d000080822fca8080",
"changes": [],
"inputs": [
"_id": "606c18d0de0c51c33083dc88",
"raw": "{\"sender\":\"0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4\",\"txParams\":{\"chainId\":12234,\"nonce\":0,\"gasPrice\":\"0x2540be400\",\"gasLimit\":\"0x5208\",\"to\":\"0x04e98D7A5ca93d3DdcF88DbB0f9Dde1E2910061f\",\"value\":\"0x71afd498d0000\",\"data\":\"\"},\"nonce\":0}",
"msgToSign": "031cdedff09182169afb8790e5c6e79701fd96609f505eac6bfdecd3b8243294",
"wallet": "mpc",
"senderAddress": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4",
"uid": "0x3b207951c2c906ed2f246a875275a9c70a22f2a4:0",
"pubKey": "02122185db5be954c20e889b41f1e57b4274e2776a7c459b97f55c2193df81ba73",
"algorithm": "secp256k1",
"derivedPath": "m/44'/60'/900'/0/2",
"sig": "{\"r\":\"59256d606748540cd761da3139d6d2a87c71b87e893912c1e7e11c82fd6c5b61\",\"s\":\"796b5a5ec3e9e6bfd6623c6ba1b2f1c841f22b447db9e4a4224658742e14be89\",\"v\":1}"
"create_at": "2021-04-06T08:16:16.721Z",
"update_at": "2021-04-06T08:18:27.991Z"
"finished": false,
"id": "606c18ce11806dc32f818b05"
HTTP Request
GET http:/{ip}/api/v2/orders/{orderID}/bizflows/{category}
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
orderID | yes | string | 查询订单的ID |
category | yes | string | MPC模式下传custom-withdraw |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
currentFlow | string | 目前业务流程的状态 |
lastFlow | string | 业务流程的上一个状态 |
transaction.raw | string | 交易原始数据,用于解析出交易数据 |
transaction.inputs[n].msgToSign | string | 用于签名 |
Request "取消订单" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695713151,
"sig": {
"r": "GaWb4TJ0ZHUHTa7RlwabSkuun9OFX/2x23ZKdzhPADU=",
"s": "c9+Y8ZJ3CE5Y5R/hoQ4IxSkp2J4ypX3/bkIcG5AUdgw=",
"v": 27
"result": {
"ok": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/orders/{orderID}/cancel
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
orderID | yes | string | 取消订单的ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
ok | boolean | true表示请求成功 |
Request "上传签名" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617698921829,
"sig": {
"r": "dNVXJvS7k0qGk2z7c6k/CaJpGhdNYNQ8Z2OK/tOx0LM=",
"s": "CF5ogiGkkPvkoDfn0F6tYOctR+QEXVnX1iAdR2WM5Q0=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"ok": true,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "b47BkqPk6RBd8EksAAAD"
HTTP Request
POST http:/{ip}/api/v2/orders/{orderID}/import-sig
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
orderID | yes | string | 上传签名的订单ID |
data.sigs | yes | array | 所有签名 |
data.sigs.signature | yes | string | 签名 |
data.sigs.recovery | yes | number | recovery ID |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
ok | boolean | true表示请求成功 |
Request "查询手续费" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695873746,
"sig": {
"r": "zfnD4y41JOJV00wncmnDPen4Qk31TVL6xalKdob6C4w=",
"s": "bsQeFGQuadB84yUdUYDilQqmXUXOHdYg8HilbLV8vzo=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"priorityDefault": 1,
"feeToken": "ETH",
"feeDecimal": 18,
"feePriceMin": 1500000000,
"feePriceMax": 150000000000,
"feePriceRealtime": 15000000000,
"gasLimitDefault": 21000,
"gasLimitMin": 21000,
"gasLimitMax": 100000,
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
GET http://{ip}/api/v2/utilities/tokens/{token}/fee-prices
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
token | yes | string | 查询手续费的token |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
priorityDefault | number | 默认手续费倍率 |
feeToken | string | 查询的token |
feeDecimal | number | 单位小数位 |
feePriceMin | number | 范围最低,实时fee的一倍 |
feePriceMax | number | 范围最高,实时fee的十倍 |
feePriceRealtime | number | 实时fee价格 |
gasLimitMin | number | 最小gas limit |
gasLimitMax | number | 最大gas limit |
Request "区块链调用" API returns JSON structured like this:
"code": 0,
"status": 0,
"message": "OK",
"crypto": "ecc",
"hash": "sha3",
"sort": "key-alphabet",
"encode": "base64",
"timestamp": 1617695804871,
"sig": {
"r": "QqE3UwP5VcWuGcbxY1gGid9X7WdFGyGfXvZOkCsOf8c=",
"s": "UyekOcKXgIySyA4Oo0DoXTHRZpE70FUOaSW3J+VIlLU=",
"v": 28
"result": {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x37e11d600",
"id": "0x1232",
"namespace": "ETH",
"sid": "-1IenchlwJXm5e2eAAAE"
HTTP Request
POST http://{ip}/api/v2/utilities/tokens/{token}/call
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
token | yes | string | 调用区块链方法的token | | no | string | 调用rpc方法的ID |
data.method | no | string | 调用的rpc方法 |
data.params | no | array | 调用rpc方法传入的参数 |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | 传入的调用rpc方法的ID |
result | string | 调用rpc方法的返回结果 |
BLS Key Server API
Derive BLS Key Pair
Request "Derive BLS Key Pair" API returns JSON structured like this:
"index": 10,
"privatekey": "0x70821c9df11e4d0b0763c502d4bfafba35070c2d379f3ae2a6e3f5689c6b7745",
"pubkey": "0xb74e693fc033ae0ba8eb1cf94c063c9e40050803cead9da516e9e544c96b7bd5ec23b099f17dfba1ac3f8d6649e1f1dd"
Derive BLS Key Pair
HTTP Request
POST http://{api url of seed server}/api/derive_keypair
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
index | yes | number | unique ID to derive key from master seed |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
index | number | unique ID to derive key from master seed |
privatekey | string | private key |
pubkey | string | public key |
Generate Deposit Data
Request "Generate Deposit Data" API returns JSON structured like this:
"signing_pubkey": "98114c41a81aec827c4fec58f92ae86e3d69e1dd5f9b9f16653d746d46cee1465e55a604a801d4f40b3153c032cc7905",
"withdrawal_credentials": "00b025640e57e3bf6f3b8c06d737730b8444c034ed3a38173179f35ec4f85e31",
"signature": "81526ac4a1da286d6aa73656a53120d3364510c40d2c24e7419e796104a492fdde59c4eeed9b6c1a93e980891faaca0c125ed0bc5eb032d8b8ffb7bfd957acef4e54462e39eb4d1e07b7964f4db1419e8850e615dbe48d8c7321fe683da6e963",
"deposit_data_root": "3c60988198779505a2379037bf258037df8fa970af9bde863052e18d26db886b"
Generate Deposit Data
HTTP Request
POST http://{api url of seed server}/api/generate_deposit_data
Main Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
index | yes | number | unique ID to derive key from master seed |
withdrawal_pubkey | yes | string | validator's withdrawal public key |
amount | yes | string | amount of ETH to deposit to the validator |
Response Result
Value | Type | Description |
signing_pubkey | string | signing public key |
withdrawal_credentials | string | withdrawal credentials |
signature | string | signature |
deposit_data_root | string | deposit data root |
Order notification sends JSON structured like this:
"timestampBlock": 1557287074480,
"timestampHandle": 1557286074480,
"isExecutedFailed": false,
"isMined": true,
Data block enables you to get latest information about the transaction.
Callbck Result
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | the order ID |
coinName | string | unique token name |
txid | string | transaction hash |
meta | any | supplementary data |
state | string | order state |
bizType | string | order type |
type | string | token type |
from | string | transaction input |
to | string | transaction output |
value | string | transaction value |
confirmations | number | number of transaction confirmations |
fee | string | fee burnt for the transaction |
fees | array | all types of fee burnt for the transaction |
hash | string | transaction hash |
block | number | the block transaction mined in |
extraData | string | same as the extraData in request |
memo | string | order note, editable on admin |
sendAgain | boolean | if we suggest client to send the same request again |
data | object | latest info of the transaction |
Audit notification sends JSON structured like this:
Delegation related orders are not audited for now.
Callback Result
Value | Type | Description |
calculated | boolean | if the auditing is finished |
deposit_total | string | total deposit token value |
deposit_num | number | total deposit times |
withdraw_total | string | total withdraw token value |
withdraw_num | number | total withdraw times |
sweep_total | string | total hot-to-cold token value |
sweep_num | number | total hot-to-cold times |
sweep_internal_total | string | total internal-out token value |
sweep_internal_num | number | total internal-out times |
airdrop_total | string | total airdrop token value |
airdrop_num | number | total airdrop times |
recharge_total | string | total cold-to-hot token value |
recharge_num | number | total cold-to-hot times |
recharge_internal_total | string | total internal-in token value |
recharge_internal_num | number | total internal-in times |
recharge_unexpected_total | string | total unexpected-in token value |
recharge_unexpected_num | number | total unexpected-in times |
recharge_special_total | string | total special-in token value |
recharge_special_num | number | total special-in times |
failed_withdraw_num | number | total failed withdrawal times |
failed_sweep_num | number | total failed hot-to-cold times |
failed_sweep_internal_num | number | total failed internal-out times |
fees | array | all type of fees burned |
withdraw_fee | string | fees burned for withdrawal |
refund_fee | string | fees burned for refund |
sweep_fee | string | fees burned for hot-to-cold |
sweep_internal_fee | string | fees burned for internal-out |
system_call_fee | string | fees burned for all system_call txs |
delegate_fee | string | fees burned for staking |
undelegate_fee | string | fees burned for unstaking |
failed_withdraw_fee | string | fees burned for failed withdrawal |
failed_refund_fee | string | fees burned for failed refund |
failed_sweep_fee | string | fees burned for refund hot-to-cold |
failed_sweep_internal_fee | string | fees burned for refund internal-out |
failed_system_call_fee | string | fees burned for all failed system_call txs |
failed_delegate_fee | string | fees burned for failed delegation |
failed_undelegate_fee | string | fees burned for failed undelegation |
type | string | the audited token type |
timestamp | number | the audited timestamp |
blocknumber | number | corresponding block near the audited timestamp |
appid | string | application ID |
calc_order_num | number | audited order number |
last | string | audit order ID of the previous audit |
id | string | audit order ID of the current audit |
ECC Signature
Release 0.13.x
Javascript code of building the message to be signed:
function _buildMsg (obj, opts = {}) {
let sortRule = opts.sort || 'key-alphabet'
let arr = []
if (_.isArray(obj)) {
arr =, i) => ({
k: (sortRule === 'kvpair' || sortRule === 'value') ? '' : i,
v: _buildMsg(o, opts)
} else if (_.isObject(obj)) {
for (let k in obj) {
if (obj[k] !== undefined) {
arr.push({ k, v: _buildMsg(obj[k], opts) })
} else if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
return ''
} else {
return obj.toString()
// Sort Array
arr.sort((a, b) => {
let aVal
let bVal
switch (sortRule) {
case 'key':
aVal = a.k
bVal = b.k
case 'key-alphabet':
aVal = a.k.toString()
bVal = b.k.toString()
case 'value':
aVal = a.v
bVal = b.v
case 'kvpair':
aVal = a.k.toString() + a.v
bVal = b.k.toString() + b.v
if (aVal < bVal) {
return -1
} else if (aVal === bVal) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
// Build message
return arr.reduce((lastMsg, curr) => {
return lastMsg + curr.k + curr.v
}, '')
Steps of building signature for GET requests::
- Get the current timestamp.
- Form a String message that contains the timestamp above. The message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Sign the encrypted message and get the signature.
- Send request as the same format as described in General Structure.
Steps of building signature for POST requests::
- Get the current timestamp.
- Form a String message that consists of all main parameters in "data" object and the timestamp, the keys
must be sorted alphabetically. Use "request withdrawal" as an example, the message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Sign the encrypted message and get the signature.
- Send request as the same format as described in General Structure.
Steps of verifying signature:
- Form a String message that consists of all fields in "result" object and the given timestamp of the response, the keys
must be sorted alphabetically. Use "validate address" as an example, the message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Verify signature using the plain encrypted message and Jadepool's public key.
Release 1.0
Steps of building signature for GET requests:
- Get the current timestamp.
- Form a String message that contains the timestamp above. The message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Sign the encrypted message and get the signature.
- Send request as the same format as described in General Structure.
Steps of building signature for POST requests:
- Get the current timestamp.
- Form a String message that consists of all main parameters in "data" object, the keys
must be sorted alphabetically. Use "request withdrawal" as an example, the message looks like this:
- add timestamp at the end of the message, the message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Sign the encrypted message and get the signature.
- Send request as the same format as described in General Structure.
Steps of verifying signature:
- Form a String message that consists of all fields in "result" object of the response, the keys
must be sorted alphabetically. Use "validate address" as an example, the message looks like this:
- add the given timestamp at the end of the message, the message looks like this:
- Encrypt the message using sha3 or sha256 or md5.
- Verify signature using the plain encrypted message and Jadepool's public key.
Jadepool API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Category | CN | EN | JA |
401 | general-error | 401 用户认证失败或已过期 | 401 authentication failed or expired | 401 認証が期限切れ |
403 | general-error | 403 权限不足拒绝访问 | 403 invalid authorization | 403 権限不足 |
404 | general-error | 404 该API不存在 | API not found | このAPIは存在しない |
405 | general-error | 405 该方法不可用 | 405 Method Not Allowed | 405 Method Not Allowed |
500 | general-error | 500 请求失败({code}) | 500 request failed({code}) | 500 リクエスト失敗({code}) |
10001 | general-error | 系统错误 | system error | システムエラー |
10002 | general-error | 非法参数 | invalid parameter | 不正パラメータ |
10003 | general-error | 请求内容需为参数data | request data should be in 'data' field | 依頼内容をパラメータ必要'data' |
10004 | general-error | 无法删除已关联的对象 | cannot delete associated object | 関連する対象を削除できません |
10005 | general-error | 未找到指定的钱包 | No specified wallet was found | 指定されたウォレットが見つかりませんでした |
10010 | general-error | 暂不支持该模块 | This module is not supported for now | このモジュールはサポートされていません |
10098 | general-error | 系统尚未初始化 | System not initialized | システムはまだ初期化されていません |
10099 | general-error | 系统已完成了初始化流程 | system is already initialized | システムは初期化の流れを完了した |
10200 | general-error | 系统连接慢雾网络时出错 | Occur error when connecting to slowmist | Occur error when connecting to slowmist |
20000 | invalid-parameter | 不支持该币种类型 | unsupported coin type | 貨幣種のタイプを支持しない |
20001 | invalid-parameter | 地址错误-首字母不对 | address wrong - first charactor | アドレスエラー-頭文字が間違っていません |
20002 | invalid-parameter | 地址错误-长度不对 | address wrong - length | アドレスエラー-長さが違います |
20003 | invalid-parameter | 地址与类型不匹配 | The address is miss-match with requested type | アドレスとタイプが一致しない |
20004 | invalid-parameter | 提币金额高于高水位 | The withdrawal amount is higher then high water level | 貨幣の金額は高い水位より高い |
20005 | invalid-parameter | 提币MEMO长度非法 | length of the withdrawal memo is invalid | 引き下げメモの長さが無効です |
20006 | invalid-parameter | 提现序号已使用 | The withdrawal sequence was used | 番号が使用済み |
20007 | invalid-parameter | 不支持该业务模式 | This business model is not supported | このビジネスモデルはサポートされていません |
20008 | invalid-parameter | 该地址余额与参数不符 | The address balance does not match the parameters | このアドレス残高はパラメータと一致しません。 |
20009 | invalid-parameter | 该地址已存在相关业务 | The address already has relevant business | すでに関連業務があります。 |
20010 | invalid-parameter | 必选参数不能为空 | Necessary parameters cannot be empty | 必選パラメータは空けてはならない |
20011 | invalid-parameter | 该币种类型目前无法提现 | The type of currency cannot be withdrawn. | この貨幣の種類のタイプは現在現われることができない |
20012 | invalid-parameter | 该币种无法用于Stake相关操作 | This currency cannot be used for Stake-related operations | この貨幣はステーションに関連する操作ができません |
20013 | invalid-parameter | 该地址尚未在目标上进行过抵押代理 | The address has not been delegated on the target validator | ターゲットバリデータにアドレスが委任されていません |
20014 | invalid-parameter | 该地址在目标上的抵押金额不足 | The address has insufficient delegated amount on the target validator | ターゲット上のアドレス、担保額 |
20015 | invalid-parameter | 该地址在目标上不存在取消中的抵押 | The address has no undelegations on the target validator | このアドレスは、ターゲットには、キャンセル中の担保が存在しません。 |
20016 | invalid-parameter | 转抵押地址不可相同 | The address of re-delegations should be not same | 担保のアドレスは同じではない |
20017 | invalid-parameter | 该地址无法用于Stake相关操作 | This address cannot be used for Stake-related operations | このアドレスに関連した活動のために使われる賭け |
20018 | invalid-parameter | 该地址在目标上的取消抵押数已达到上限 | The amount of un-delegations on the target address has reached the upper limit. | 目標アドレスに関する国連代表団の量が上限に達している。 |
20021 | invalid-parameter | 扫描地址需为内部地址 | Scanning address should be internal address | スキャンアドレスは内部アドレス |
20022 | invalid-parameter | 提现地址不可为系统地址 | The withdrawal address is not a systematic address. | 現金引き出しアドレスと係統のアドレス |
20023 | invalid-parameter | 交易发起地址需为内部地址 | Source address should be an internal address | アドレスを内部アドレスでなければなりません |
20024 | invalid-parameter | 该地址并不属于指定钱包 | The address does not belong to the specified wallet. | この住所は指定されたウォレットではありません |
20025 | invalid-parameter | 该订单并不属于指定钱包 | The order does not belong to the specified wallet. | この注文は指定された財布ではありません |
20026 | invalid-parameter | 该内容并不属于指定钱包 | The entity does not belong to the specified wallet. | この内容は指定されたウォレットではありません |
20028 | invalid-parameter | 已开启自动审计,该API已禁用 | Auto Audit has been enabled and the API is disabled | 自動監査が開始されました。このAPIは無効になりました。 |
20029 | invalid-parameter | 未找到符合时间戳的区块号 | No block number matching the timestamp was found | 時間のスタンプに合ったブロック番号が見つかりません |
20030 | invalid-parameter | 起始时间需小于结束时间 | Start time should be less than end time | 開始時間は終了時間より小さい |
20031 | invalid-parameter | 审计时间戳应小于当前时间 | Audit timestamp should be less than current time | 監査時間のスタンプは現在の時間より小さいです |
20032 | invalid-parameter | 不支持地址重扫功能 | Rescan by Address is not supported | アドレスをサポートしていない |
20033 | invalid-parameter | 不支持区块重扫功能 | Rescan by Block is not supported | カット機能をサポートしていない |
20034 | invalid-parameter | 应用AppID必须为字母 | AppID must be alphabetic | 応用AppIDなければならない文字 |
20035 | invalid-parameter | 传入的公钥不符合指定的编码方式 | The incoming public key does not match the specified encoding | 伝えられた公鍵は指定されたコード方式に合致しない |
20036 | invalid-parameter | 应用AppID不存在 | AppID does not exist | 応用AppIDは存在しない |
20037 | invalid-parameter | 应用AppID已存在 | AppID already exists | 応用AppIDすでに存在する |
20038 | invalid-parameter | 代币已存在 | Token already exists | トークンが既に存在している |
20039 | invalid-parameter | 不存在此代币 | Token doesn't exist | このトークンは存在しない |
20040 | invalid-parameter | 需要禁用此代币 | Token should be disabled | トークンを無効にする |
20041 | invalid-parameter | 已使用的公钥 | Public key duplicated | 公鍵が既に存在している |
20042 | invalid-parameter | 已存在该名称的钱包 | A wallet with that name already exists | この名前のウォレットは既に存在します |
20043 | invalid-parameter | 此代币尚存在处理中的订单 | This token still has some order under processing | このトークンはまだ処理中の注文があります。 |
20044 | invalid-parameter | 不可删除钱包内的最后一个应用 | The last application in the wallet that cannot be deleted | ウォレットの最後のアプリケーションを削除してはいけません。 |
20045 | invalid-parameter | 该应用目前存在异常不可用 | The application is currently unavailable | このアプリケーションは現在異常があります。利用できません |
20046 | invalid-parameter | 该币种无法使用此操作 | This currency cannot be used for this operation | この貨幣はこの操作を使用できない |
20047 | invalid-parameter | 批量操作进程失败 | Batch operations of process failed | Batch operations of process failed |
20048 | invalid-parameter | 该用户名已存在 | The username already exists | ユーザ名は既に存在します |
20049 | invalid-parameter | 非法地址 | Invalid address | Invalid address |
20050 | invalid-parameter | OrderBatch处于不支持此操作的状态 | OrderBatch处于不支持此操作的状态 | OrderBatch处于不支持此操作的状态 |
20051 | invalid-parameter | 签名文件格式异常 | 签名文件格式异常 | 签名文件格式异常 |
20052 | invalid-parameter | 存在处理中OrderBatch | 存在处理中OrderBatch | 存在处理中OrderBatch |
20053 | invalid-parameter | 不能同时切换多个私钥,请等待订单完成后再试。 | Only changing one permission is allowed at a time. Please retry later. | Only changing one permission is allowed at a time. Please retry later. |
20054 | invalid-parameter | 非法公钥 | Invalid public key | Invalid public key |
20101 | chain-general-error | 热钱包余额不足 | Insufficient hot wallet balance | 熱い財布の残額が足りない |
20102 | chain-general-error | 连接区块链节点失败 | Failed to connection blockchain node | ブロックのチェーンノードを接続して失敗します |
20103 | chain-general-error | 手续费不足 | Insufficient fees | 手数料が足りない |
20104 | chain-general-error | 目前系统不支持该区块链网络 | The current system does not support this block chain network | 現在システムはこのエリアのチェーンネットワークをサポートしていません |
20105 | chain-general-error | 目前该区块链网络已被禁用 | The block chain network is currently disabled | 現在この区画チェーンネットワークはすでに使用禁止されている |
20106 | chain-general-error | 该区块链网络目前正在运行中 | The block chain network is currently in operation. | 同チェーンブロックインターネットは現在進行中 |
20107 | chain-general-error | 该类型已存在激活中的运行进程,若需开启更多同类进程需JP_MULTI_WORKERS特性支持 | "This type of running process already exists in activation | and JP_MULTI_WORKERS feature support is required to open more similar processes." |
20108 | chain-general-error | 该方法仅支持UTXO类代币调用 | This method only supports UTXO class token invocation | この方法はUTXO類トークンの呼び出しのみに対応しています。 |
20109 | chain-general-error | 该类型在部分钱包中尚处于启用状态 | The one is still active in some wallets | このタイプは一部のウォレットでまだ有効です |
20110 | chain-general-error | 调用区块链方法的参数不正确 | Incorrect parameters for calling block chain methods | ブロックチェーンのパラメータを呼び出すのは正しくない |
20111 | chain-general-error | 删除前请先禁用该代币 | Disable token first | 先ずはトークンを無効にしてください |
20112 | chain-general-error | 请确保区块链至少启动过一次 | Please make sure the blockchain has been started at least once | ブロックチェーンが少なくとも一回起動されたことを確認してください |
20113 | chain-general-error | 该区块链不支持安全钱包模式 | ||
20114 | chain-general-error | 该操作仅在普通钱包中支持 | ||
20115 | chain-general-error | 系统检测到订单状态不正确,申请补发通知失败 | Request failed due to incorrect order status | Request failed due to incorrect order status |
20200 | missing-method | 无法找到list方法 | Failed to find 'list' method | 「list」方法を見つけることができない |
20201 | missing-method | 无法找到fetch方法 | Failed to find 'fetch' method | 「fetch」方法を見つけることができない |
20202 | missing-method | 无法找到create方法 | Failed to find 'create' method | 「create」方法を見つけることができない |
20203 | missing-method | 无法找到patch方法 | Failed to find 'patch' method | 「patch」方法を見つけることができない |
20204 | missing-method | 无法找到delete方法 | Failed to find 'delete' method | 「delete」方法を見つけることができない |
20205 | missing-method | 该方法未实现 | This method is not implemented | この方法は実現していない |
21000 | rpc-failed | 该服务未找到相关信息 | The service did not find relevant information. | このサービスに関する情報は見つかりません |
21001 | rpc-failed | 该服务尚未连接或名字空间错误 | The service has not been connected or has a namespace error | このサービスはまだ接続されていません。 |
21002 | rpc-failed | 该服务未找到合适的工作进程 请开启相关进程后重试 | The service did not find the right work process.Please launch the work process | このサービスのプロセスが見つかりません |
21003 | rpc-failed | 该操作未找到目标进行执行 | The operation did not find the target for execution. | この操作は目標を発見していない |
21004 | rpc-failed | JSONRPC服务未找到 | JSONRPC service not found | JSONRPCサービスは見つかりません |
21005 | rpc-failed | 请求超时 | Request timeout | 超過を請求する |
21006 | rpc-failed | 返回类型错误 | Return type error | 戻るタイプのエラー |
21007 | rpc-failed | 未在数据库找到该链的标尺 | Specified ruler not found | この操作は目標を発見していない |
40100 | authorization-failed | 用户认证失败 | User authentication failed | ユーザ認証失敗 |
40101 | authorization-failed | 缺少验证参数sig | Lack of validation parameter sig | 検証パラメータsig不足 |
40102 | authorization-failed | 缺少验证参数timestamp | Lack of validation parameter timestamp | 検証パラメータtimes tamp不足 |
40103 | authorization-failed | 缺少验证参数crypto | Lack of validation parameter crypto | 検証パラメータcrypto不足 |
40104 | authorization-failed | 未找到验证所需的公钥 | Failed to find required public key for validation | 検証に必要な公鍵が見つからない |
40110 | authorization-failed | 该API仅限内部调用 | The API is internal only | このAPIは内部の呼び出しだけで |
40300 | permission-failed | 无访问权限 | No access rights | アクセス権限 |
40301 | permission-failed | 未完成认证 | Uncompleted certification | 未完成の認証 |
40302 | permission-failed | 该操作被锁定 | The operation is locked | この操作ロックされて |
40400 | resouce-not-found | 未找到指定订单号 | Failed to find the specified order id | 見つからない指定の注文番号 |
40401 | resouce-not-found | 未找到指定审计信息 | Failed to find the specified audit information | 見つからない指定の監査情報 |
40410 | resouce-not-found | 未找到指定对象 | Failed to find the specified object | 見つからない指定のオブジェクト |
40411 | resouce-not-found | 未找到指定地址 | Failed to find the specified address | 見つからない指定のアドレス |
50000 | service-failed | 未能找到Redis服务 | Failed to connect redis server | Redis服务接続失敗 |
50001 | service-failed | 未能找到Consul服务 | Failed to connect consul server | Consul服务接続失敗 |
50003 | service-failed | Redis查询错误 | Faild to fetch data from redis server | Redis検索失敗 |